The inefficiency of people search engine removal tools, massive data theft affecting US citizens

The inefficiency of people search engine removal tools, massive data theft affecting US citizens

In episode 342, we discuss the effectiveness of people search engine removal tools like DeleteMe and Reputation Defender, based on a study by Consumer Reports. We also talk about how nearly every American’s social security number may have been stolen by hackers and shared on the dark web. Scott and Tom talk about the importance of protecting your personal information and methods to do so, including manually removing data and freezing credit. We also cover Canada’s privacy laws and conclude with our “Aware Much” segment. Stay safe, protected, and private!

**Links mentioned in the broadcast **

Services for removing people search pages largely ineffective

Michael Bazzell’s Guide to Data Requests


Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of all Americans. Here’s how to protect yourself

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The post “The Inefficiency of People Search Removal Tools and Massive Data Theft Impacting US Citizens” first appeared on the Shared Security Podcast.

***This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from the Shared Security Podcast, written by Tom Eston. Read the original post at:

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