Indian travellers: Indians put Arctic and Antarctica on their bucket list | News from Pune

Indian travellers: Indians put Arctic and Antarctica on their bucket list | News from Pune

Indians defy bitter cold and high costs and put the Arctic and Antarctic on their wish list

Pune: From catching a glimpse of polar bears, ringed seals and arctic foxes in Svalbard, Norway or the Northern Territories of Canada to staying near huge glaciers and viewing the Northern Lights, Indian travelers enjoy unparalleled adventures in some of the most remote places and extreme environments.
In the first week of August, Mumbai-based lawyer Sneha Jaisingh embarked on a journey to parts of the less explored Arctic.
“I have always had a passion for Wildlife and wanted to see the Arctic wildlife, so I researched everything myself and booked through a local operator in Svalbard,” she said.
Another Mumbai resident Archi Varma travels to Antarctic was part of a leadership program run by polar explorer Robert Swan.

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