Fencing the Grand Canal is expected to cost the state half a million euros – The University Times

Fencing the Grand Canal is expected to cost the state half a million euros – The University Times

The controversial fence erected by Waterways Ireland along the Grand Canal is not expected to be removed until October, according to a statement by Irish MP Ivana Bacik to The university times.

The fence, which Waterways Ireland says was erected to prevent tents from being erected along the canal, has been the subject of heated debate, including protests from Take Back Our Spaces. on the weekend.

“We in the Labour Party are deeply frustrated by the Government’s continued inaction and will continue to press for the Government to remove the unsightly fences and instead put forward a proper plan to provide housing and shelter so that no one has to sleep in tents on the streets anywhere,” Bacik said.


Although the fence was originally intended as a temporary measure as Waterways Ireland draws up plans to restructure the area, its continued maintenance until October could cost the State around €390,000, according to The University Times Calculations. The Journal reported in July that Waterways Ireland has spent more than €170,000 removing tents and erecting fences around the canal, and Waterways Ireland has stated that it now costs 30,000 euros per week to maintain the barricades.

“I have contacted Waterways Ireland directly on several occasions about this but they have not helped me in any way and have told me that the barriers would need to be moved in the near future. In fact, they have indicated that this will probably happen in October,” Bacik said.

Waterways Ireland has stated that the cross-border organisation is currently trying to Redesign of the Grand Canal to prevent the setting up of tents. The public authority recently announced 200 million euros will be invested in the Irish waterways under their jurisdiction over the next three years.

The university times I have asked Waterways Ireland for a comment.

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