Drivers warned of ‘squeaking’ that could cost £2,500 and 5 points

Drivers warned of ‘squeaking’ that could cost £2,500 and 5 points

Online car trading platform Motor Match has released an important method to determine if a key component needs replacing. If this method is ignored, drivers risk heavy fines.

Since the summer months often bring dry and dusty weather, drivers need to make sure their windshield is cleaned regularly with a set of good wiper blades.

A Motor Match spokesperson pointed out that drivers can easily tell if their wiper blades need replacing by the sound they make during use.

They pointed out: “Squeaking noises when operating the windshield wipers may indicate underlying problems that may be leading to impaired functionality.

“Drivers should listen for these unusual noises as part of their routine checks to ensure that the wipers are working properly and to avoid fines for inadequate performance.”

Over time, the rubber of the wiper blades hardens, becomes brittle and less effective at removing water and dust from the windshield.

Therefore, it is important that drivers check that they are still fully functional. Although it depends on how frequently a driver uses their vehicle, many car experts recommend replacing wiper blades every 12 months.

Failure to do so could result in reduced visibility in bad weather, fines of up to £2,500 and three penalty points.

The Motor Match spokesperson pointed out that another telltale sign that a vehicle’s wiper blades need replacing is the residue or streaks they leave behind.

They added: “Streaky marks left after wiper use are a visible sign of wear and indicate that replacement is required. By checking the rubber underneath for cracks or splits, drivers can fix these problems promptly, avoiding potential fines and ensuring clear visibility.

“Older wipers can miss parts of the windshield when cleaning, especially in warm weather when the material becomes softer.”

In order not to impair visibility and risk fines, the Motor Match spokesperson recommends checking regularly for possible cracks.

They continue: “A basic practice is to check windshield wipers regularly for signs of damage, such as cracks or breaks in the rubber.”

“This proactive approach ensures that drivers are immediately aware of potential issues so they can address their concerns and maintain a clear, safe driving environment.”

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