My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 13 Review

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 13 Review

It’s always great to be reminded why a protagonist is THE protagonist. In the central My Hero Academia, Season 7, Episode 13Izuku Midoriya shows why this is his story and what makes him such a formidable hero. As he faces off against Shigaraki, he uses every tool he’s acquired, the knowledge he’s gained, and the empathy he’s always possessed in a brutal and eye-opening fight. These key components, his monstrous strength, his desire to save, and his emotional reaction to the wreckage, are what make him such a compelling and layered hero and protagonist.

One of the best fights in My Hero Academia is the showdown between Midoriya and Overhaul and Season 4. Midoriya is able to use his full power in this fight with Eri’s help and his considerable skills are fully in the spotlight. But more than anything, it shows his rage in battle as he fights against those who oppress and hurt innocents. There’s a reason why the character designs distort mid-fight, making Midoriya’s face look more malicious than heroic.

The same is true here in “A Chain of Events Across the Ages,” when Midoriya comes across the devastation Shigaraki has caused in his absence, and his guilt mixes with his anger. Shigaraki knows this about Midoriya, and knows that when provoked, Midoriya’s movements become simplified and easy to guess. The episode captures Midoriya’s agony beautifully, as the audio fades away and we only hear his labored breathing as he surveys the decomposed bodies of his fellow heroes—from Bakugou, who is seemingly dead—to Mirio’s quick intervention.

My Hero Academia, Season 7, Episode 13

Even the moments between his loss of control and his regaining it are gracefully detailed. From the way he beats his chest after being told to control his heart, to the way his eyes glow with power in a way that mimics streaming tears, the control he gains is hard-won.

We’ve seen Midoriya angry in battle before – from Overhaul to his fight with Shigaraki after Bakugou jumped in front of him to save him. But here we see the evolution of his character as he refuses to give in to his guilt and instead cloaks himself in the power of all Remnants. Namely, the second One for All user whose specialty is gear shifting.

The artistry is at its best in My Hero Academia, Season 7, Episode 13. Both the character designs and the action are infused with adrenaline. The coffin in the sky is a suitably imposing setting, made even more impressive by the dark sky, making the whole thing even more claustrophobic. We also see the aftermath of the two powers on the makeshift battlefield, with the force of Midoriya’s power felt everywhere, shaking the stability of the coffins.

My Hero Academia, Season 7, Episode 13

Tomo Ōkubo directs and storyboards the episode with a raspy depth as we fly into battle alongside Midoriya. The scenes where he races towards Shigaraki show off his strength. This is especially true when the gear shift is used, as the power he uses as a weapon is visualized through intense framing. Everything about the fight scene is electrifying, which is manifested in the character designs, where purple lines and hues run across Midoriya and Shigaraki’s faces.

Everything about this showdown is breathtaking in its confident direction and brutal combat. Composer Yuki Hayashi’s “You Say Run” hits at a crucial moment when Midoriya seems to be gaining the upper hand. It’s a theme that contrasts with some of the series’ most significant moments of triumph. Voice actor Daiki Yamashita delivers a powerful performance, his voice deepening once Midoriya regains control and enters battle mode.

If anything, the episode spends too much time reminding us of characters who aren’t in this one fight. As the war continues, it makes sense to touch base with the supporting players. But given the importance of this part of the fight, it would have been worth sticking around. This is especially true since Midoriya isn’t just fighting to win, but to save Shigaraki’s humanity.

“A Chain of Events Through Time” is an emotionally moving episode that puts its lead protagonist back in the spotlight. It’s a moment of encouragement shattered by the realization that the villains have yet to show their full power. Despite the destruction surrounding him, it’s a strange calm before the storm as the hero Deku shows his full power, a standout moment of the series for the character.

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 13, “A Chain of Events, Across the Ages” is now available on Crunchyroll, with new episodes every Saturday.

Images courtesy of Studio Bones/Crunchyroll.


  • My Hero Academia, Season 7, Episode 13 – 8.5/10

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