Girl shouted “I’m just a child” when a woman with high heels hit her in the face

Girl shouted “I’m just a child” when a woman with high heels hit her in the face

A girl screamed “I’m just a kid” as a stranger punched her in the face using her high heel as a weapon.

Jeorga Thompson attacked two “innocent passers-by” while drunk after a Craig David concert at Haydock Park racecourse last year.

Thompson, who is now eight months pregnant, left both victims, a 15-year-old girl and a man, with serious injuries.

When he appeared at Liverpool Crown Court, the 30-year-old was told that someone who commits two unprovoked attacks while drunk would normally be given an immediate prison sentence.

But Judge Richard Leiper said Thompson’s son and her unborn child would suffer from a prison sentence, so he imposed a suspended sentence.

Prosecutor Chris Hopkins said the incident occurred on June 24 last year at around 11pm and the victim has since pleaded guilty to two counts: assault,

It was heard that a water bottle was kicked towards a group that included Thompson and that the contents fell on that person.

Thompson, of May Sinclair Close, Wirral, then approached her first victim, a man.

He was knocked to the ground and unconscious after Thompson hit him with her high heels.


The victim stated that he saw the defendant wearing flip-flops and holding high heels. However, he could not remember much else before the attack.

The man was taken to Bolton Hospital where his “ugly wound” was stitched up.

After this attack, Thompson approached her next victim, a 15-year-old girl who was at the concert with her boyfriend and his family.

The girl was helping her boyfriend’s mother change her shoes when Thompson said, “Why are you getting involved?”

Mr Hopkins told Liverpool Crown Court that the girl said: “I’m just a kid, I’m only 15”, but that the defendant “hit her with her fist”.

Again, the victim said, “I’m just a kid,” but Thompson hit her again, this time with her high heel.

Witnesses reported seeing the girl “doubled over in pain” and “holding her head.”

She suffered a “deep cut” on her eyebrow.

It was heard that before this second attack, the girl’s boyfriend’s mother “understandably tried to intervene,” but Thompson grabbed her and said, “Do you want it next?”

Mr Hopkins read a statement from the girl to the court in which she said: “Every day I look in the mirror and see my face and think: why me?”

The girl, who was left with a “permanent scar” and whose facial profile changed after the operation, said she is now afraid to leave the house because she feels safe there.

She said she was “so excited to see her favorite DJ” that night and couldn’t believe she had been attacked by a grown woman.

Defense attorney John Weate said her client felt “intimidated” when the male victim approached her – even though she heard he had done “nothing wrong.”

He also said Thompson suffers from ADHD and was not taking her medication at the time of the incident.

Mr Weate read to the court a letter written by Thompson in which she said she was “deeply ashamed” and “so dismayed” by what the two victims had been through.


She said: “Since it happened, I have taken steps to ensure that something like this never happens again.

“It was one of the hardest lessons of my life.

“I really punished myself over and over again.

“This was really an isolated case. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“These actions do not reflect the person I am. I lead a normal, quiet family life.

“It is devastating to know that my children will one day find out what happened.

“It is shameful and not the image I want to give them of their mother.

“I am determined that something like this will never happen again.”

Judge Leiper concluded: “It was a completely unjustified attack.

“To make matters worse, after seriously injuring one person, you did exactly the same thing again, this time to a 15-year-old girl.”

Thompson was sentenced to 45 weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months.

From November, after the birth of her child, she will also be subject to an electronically monitored curfew for three months.

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