Fear and deception among the British far right

Fear and deception among the British far right

As the dust slowly settles from the right-wing unrest that swept the country earlier this month, the begging bowls are being brought out for another round of shameless fascist fraud.

First out of the starting blocks was Britain First leader Paul Golding (above left). In an absurd video posted yesterday and met with widespread derision from the right, he claimed that BF had “taken a step back” and “put our heads down” but that “now is the time for relentless action”. So please donate generously…etc.

Relentless action? Well, that would actually be a first. Roughly translated, it means: Ashlea and I, along with a few mates, spent all the money on extra-strong lager, so please top up the beer fund – even if it’s just with a gift certificate for a pub.

This has led some sceptics, fed up with ever-deepening pockets, to now refer to this particular shitshow as “Britain Thirst.”

Not far behind Golding was Patriotic Alternative deputy leader Laura Towler (above right), or Laura Melia as she also calls herself. Horrified that racist online agitators were finally being held to account for their actions and in some cases given long prison sentences, she has launched a welfare fund for the families of “political prisoners”. It was quickly reposted by the Traditional Britain group, which not so long ago would have had nothing to do with the uncouth proletarians of the PA.

But it must be said that she knows a little about it, having already managed one such fund for her ailing husband Sam Melia. It was particularly lucrative, raising around £100,000 by some estimates, so she is licking her lips at the prospect of another.

This provoked an immediate and scathing retort from Katie “Sanity” Fanning (below), the partner of Alek Yerbury, leader of the National Rebirth Party (PA), who for some reason has a passionate dislike for the PA and its leadership.

“As if this were not bad enough, certain peoples like to pretend to be the most persecuted peoples in the world in order to deceive themselves.

“They now want to exploit the fact that other peoples are being persecuted to own crook fund…

“How despicable is this?

“An absolutely disgusting performance by fat Towler once again

“It won’t go where you think it will or to the people you think it will help.”

Fat Towler! Ouch!

Fanning and Towler have a particularly virulent relationship that only seems to have worsened during their simultaneous pregnancies. That they were born just days apart sparked speculation that they had somehow conspired to get pregnant at the same time—a rumor that caused most people who heard about it to run to Amazon and order scrubbing brushes and boxes of brain soap that same day.

But panic has spread everywhere as online agitators are arrested. Online hate has been the hallmark of these groups – and well-known right-wing influencers – for years, and they have largely gotten away with it. The climate has now changed, and the message from all established groups is to abide by the law.

The British Democrats take the hardest position, condemning the rioters as thugs who are not doing the cause any good. PA says it is against violence but is happy to take rioters as political prisoners. The Homeland Party under Kenny Smith vacillates between the two positions.

Alek Yerbury of the NRP now says that recent events confirm his earlier view:

“We need to prioritise real-world activities, such as public gatherings, even with people we don’t know, over online discussions…

“Online, especially anonymously, people can say things they would never say in public because doing so would reflect negatively on those around them. This leads to people regularly saying things in online spaces that are so unmoderated and so uncomfortable for an outsider that it negatively impacts society as a whole’s perception of the groups and people in those spaces.”

Despite his absurd Hitler-like personality, Yerbury is gaining a reputation in fascist circles as the one who regularly speaks reason and sets things right before events force it. This seriously angers people like Mark Collett of the PA, who believes that Yerbury is trying to win over a section of the PA membership. Setting things right is an activity that Collett only undertakes when he has exhausted all other options.

So it’s a shame that Yerbury was caught and photographed unaccompanied by Stand Up To Racism in Leeds over the weekend as he arrived in town for the inaugural meeting of the local NRP branch, due to a massive security breach. Someone will no doubt be sacked for this minor slip-up.

In the more disorganized right-wing camp, online accounts are closed or hidden for fear of legal repercussions. One such case is “Queen Natalie, the Norfolk Lion,” whose vile posts to over 50,000 followers have contaminated X for too long. Now she is hiding her posts from the general public.

Another hugely popular fascist account, that of WayneGb88 (“88” is the standard code for “Heil Hitler”), has disappeared after its author, Wayne O’Rourke (above right), from Lincoln, was jailed. He was sentenced to three years for spreading false information about the Southport murders and other posts in which he repeatedly called for violence and unrest. He had around 107,000 followers and reportedly earned £1,400 a month from his online abuse. It was his case that particularly freaked out Queen Natalie. “Without Odin’s grace, it would only have been possible…”

Then yesterday the Independent Nationalist Network, run by Midlands-based Richard Lumby, announced it was closing. INN was, until recently, threatening to become the latest political home of Nick Griffin, with whom it ran election training seminars. How quickly it went from Griffin Inn to “Last order, please” and Griffin Out.

Lumby now claims the closure was planned for months and was only held up by the preparation of a new edition of Griffin’s legal manual. But no one believes him. You don’t have to be in publishing to know that you don’t need an organization to re-edit a book. Like others, Lumby is afraid.

Goodbye and have a good trip.

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