Immunotherapist is Queensland’s 2024 Young Tall Poppy

Immunotherapist is Queensland’s 2024 Young Tall Poppy

  • Immunotherapist and extracellular vesicle researcher at the University of Queensland, Associate Professor Joy Wolfram, is Queensland’s Young Large Poppy of the Year 2024.
  • This year’s awards ceremony honored 16 of Queensland’s outstanding scientists.
  • The award recognizes scientific excellence and a passion for science communication in order to inspire young people to study and pursue a career in the STEM field.

Associate Professor Joy Wolfram, an immunotherapist and extracellular vesicle researcher working on improved drugs for cancer and other life-threatening diseases, is Queensland’s Young Tall Poppy of the Year 2024.

Science Minister Leanne Linard said Associate Professor Wolfram received her award for her outstanding research into treating serious diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease and breast cancer.

In her research, Professor Wolfram uses tiny natural particles called extracellular vesicles to treat these diseases. Her goal is to find the right particles to get to the desired places in the body and modify them to act as drugs.

The Young Tall Poppy Science Awards are hosted each year across Australia by the Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS), and in Queensland they are held in partnership with the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation.

The award recognizes researchers who combine scientific excellence with a unique passion for science communication, inspiring young people to study and pursue careers in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

They were inaugurated in 1998 on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Howard Florey, an Australian pharmacologist and pathologist who, together with Ernst Chain and Sir Alexander Fleming, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945 for his role in the development of penicillin.

Science Minister Leanne Linard said:

“I congratulate the winners of our Young Tall Poppy Science Award for 2024.

“The research of these young scientists and all scientists conducting research across Queensland demonstrates why our state is one of the leading science hubs in Australia.

“The Miles Government is proud to partner with the Australian Institute of Policy and Science to recognise our best and brightest minds, celebrate their achievements and increase the appreciation of science throughout society.

“These annual awards recognize the achievements of our talented scientists who conduct life-changing research that ultimately benefits us all.

“They are shaping the future of healthcare, our environment and our way of life in ways we cannot even imagine.

Steve Burke, General Manager of the Australian Institute of Policy and Science, said:

“It is truly wonderful to recognise our talented and world-leading scientists through the Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Awards.

“Congratulations to our Queensland Prize winners who have demonstrated outstanding research achievements in so many scientific fields, including biomedical, behavioural sciences, engineering, mathematics, social sciences, technology and other applied or interdisciplinary sciences.”

“We know these role models will inspire young people in Queensland to follow in their footsteps and ensure our future workforce is filled with people with the relevant STEM skills.”

“It is a great pleasure and honour for the Australian Institute of Policy and Science to present these awards and we look forward to our continued collaboration with young scientists in Queensland.”

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