“Big white aliens disguised themselves as humans, visited the USA and used the toilet”

“Big white aliens disguised themselves as humans, visited the USA and used the toilet”

Sydney, March 18 (ANI): A former American weather expert has claimed that the US military has been in contact with an alien species for years. Charles Hall, a nuclear physicist and author, said the aliens would disguise themselves as humans and visit Las Vegas, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. Hall said when he was a weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada in 1964, he witnessed interactions between the military and a group of mysterious tall, white, human-like aliens. “Their spaceships can move faster than light because Einstein was wrong about relativity,” the Vietnam veteran said from his home in Albuquerque. Hall said cameras were not allowed at the site, which has since disappeared from the map. When he arrived, a colleague wanted to lock them in the weather station and not go to the other end of the building “because that’s where he found them”. It was a group of five people, two men and three women, and they had come to use the bathroom, he said. “When you encounter the ‘great whites,’ it’s such a shock, you’re not sure if you’re seeing a ghost or an angel or if you’re dreaming,” he explained. Hall said he had had contact with three types of aliens – the “great whites” (about 8 feet tall), “greys” (with yellow/orange skin) and the “Norwegians with 24 teeth,” who look like humans and speak English. According to him, the aliens were mainly involved in technology transfers with the U.S. military, and great whites would dress like humans and attend shows at Caesar’s Palace. Hall said he originally wrote down his experiences in a fictional book to conceal the identities of those involved – but what was written was true. He said US officials had kept everything secret because people were “emotionally unready” to accept alien life forms. Mariana Flynn, the president of the UFO Research Centre NSW, believed Hall had encountered aliens. “The subject is a red flag for some people, particularly people in authority,” she said. Hall is touring Australia to take part in a talk on aliens and sign books, which will take place at the Mitchell Theatre on April 6. (ANI)

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