Why was episode 5 of “Sex Education” dedicated to Shay Patten-Walker?

Why was episode 5 of “Sex Education” dedicated to Shay Patten-Walker?

The fourth and final season of Sex Education has just been released on Netflix and it might be the most emotional of all. Now fans are wondering who Shay Patten-Walker was and why was the fifth episode dedicated to her?

Last season we said goodbye to Otis, Maeve, Eric and the rest of Moordale, and one character had a pretty bumpy journey this time around: Cal, played by Dua Saleh.

In episode five, when Cal is in serious trouble, a dedication to Shay Patten-Walker appears. Here you can find out who they were and what role they played in Cal’s storyline in Sex Education.

Who was Shay Patten Walker?

Shay was a trans activist who sadly passed away in 2022 after committing suicide at the age of just 24.

They studied at the University of Greenwich and have worked as speakers and presenters for several LGBTQ+ and human rights organisations such as the Generation Equality Forum, UK Black Pride and more.

Rico Chance, director of TransActual – an organisation that helps increase the visibility of trans people in politics and the media – said: “Shay was one of the pillars of the trans/NB community. They knew everyone, loved everyone and supported everyone. Even at the age of 24 they were youth workers, poets, speakers and activists.

They used their voices to inspire, educate and empower, creating positive change and strengthening the community.”

Why was the fifth episode of “Sex Education” dedicated to Shay Patten-Walker?

Shay worked as a consultant on the fourth season of Sex Education, helping with the storylines of transgender and nonbinary characters such as Cal and presumably Abbi (Anthony Lexa) and Roman (Felix Mufti).

“I only found out at her memorial service that they partnered with Netflix to create diversity on screen, the humility of it,” Rico said in his post about Shay.

We don’t think Sex Education would be the show it is without Shay.

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