13-year-old girl on the road to recovery after being shot in the head

13-year-old girl on the road to recovery after being shot in the head

NORTH LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Olivia Damian, 13, is still in the hospital working to recover after a gunman shot her in the head in June and killed five other people in a shooting spree, including her 20-year-old brother, Christopher Damian, who was posthumously honored Wednesday for his bravery during the shooting.

“I arrived here (at the hospital) that night, immediately after or as soon as I was informed by the police officers on the scene about what was happening. They couldn’t give me any details, but they let me know that Olivia was on her way to the hospital. So I came here (to the hospital) immediately,” said Diego Damian, the father of Olivia and Christopher.

“Ever since she was admitted here, things weren’t looking very good, things were kind of grim, or the outlook was kind of grim. She was in an induced coma, if you will, simply because of the nature of the injury. The medical staff didn’t want to put too much stress on her… nothing that would put her in any kind of disarray.”

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Damian said Olivia was in intensive care for about two weeks, but was recently released from intensive care and moved to a regular nursery.

He said his daughter was shot in the part of the brain that controls her speech and she is slowly making progress toward returning to her pre-shooting state.

“It’s been one milestone after another. Every day you see her, you see something new. It’s great to see her, I’m excited to see her every day because, you know, let’s see what she’s going to do today, right? What brand new thing is she going to do? So it’s nice, nice to see her progress so far,” her father said.

Damian told Channel 13 that Olivia may be transferred to another hospital to continue her recovery process.

However, he said parts of her treatment have become expensive and his insurance doesn’t cover much, so he relies on community help.

His family has started a GoFundMe campaign to help cover some of the costs of Olivia’s recovery.

If you would like to help, you can click here.

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