My Hero Academia Episode 151 Review

My Hero Academia Episode 151 Review

As Shigaraki (Kôki Uchiyama) prepares to destroy the heroes sent to stop him, Izuku Midoriya (Daiki Yamashita) returns with an explosive blow. But before the young hero can challenge his enemy, he must find the strength to control his emotions when he sees what has happened in his absence. My Hero Academia Episode 151“A Chain of Events Through Time” tests Mirodiya’s strength and control as the final battle begins.

Before the main event of this episode, the audience is given a quick recap of where everyone is and what has been going on. With so much going on and a few release weeks being off recently, this is a welcome transition. It fills viewers in on what’s going on while avoiding a full recap episode, which feels like something a lot of shows leave out at this point in the season.

Once the summary of events is complete, My Hero Academia Episode 151 jumps back slightly and catches up with Midoriya as he runs back to the coffin in the sky. We learn that the Star and Stripe support fighters are helping our hero return in time. After ignoring orders to return to the US, they now offer taxi services to help Midoriya get around faster.

This moment conveys a bit of emotion, and serves the practical purpose of explaining Midoriya’s surprise appearance in the final episode. As Midoriya uses the jets to accelerate, he is told that the squad stayed behind despite orders to help because their “little sister” bet on them. The affectionate nickname for Star is accompanied by a brief shot of her crumbling to dust. The callback to the dramatic opening battle of the season is spot on.

From here we see Midoriya’s arrival on the battlefield. Before the blows start, the hero turns around to check on the condition of his friends. What he sees shocks him. Most look like they are close to death, and Bakugo lies completely still. The pain that overtakes Midoriya quickly overwhelms him. With energy rising and Blackwhip tendrils bursting out of him, Midoriya looks like he is ready to lose control.

My Hero Academia Episode 151

The animation does a fantastic job of capturing this moment of pain and anger, with the details showing every emotion on Midoriya’s face, giving his body language the seething, fervent rage we’ve come to expect the character to feel. While Shigaraki is pleased with the results of his work and hopes that the wielder of One For All will attack him directly, his plans are thwarted by a timely intervention.

The only other hero present who can help Midoriya, Lemillion (Tarusuke Shingaki, Freiren – Beyond the End of the Journey) comes to his side and explains the situation beyond what the newcomer’s eyes are telling him. He lets Midoriya know how Edge Shot is working to keep Bakugo alive and that everyone else, although battered, is fine too. Nothing is lost yet, so he has no need to blame himself for his absence. These words have the desired effect on Midoriya, letting him calm his excitement and regain the focus he needs to defeat the monster in front of him.

While the emotional support that Lemillion gives his friend is the most striking element of his moment My Hero Academia Episode 151it is not the only help he gives Midoriya. When Shigaraki claims that he and All For One have merged into a single being, Lemillion refutes this claim, pointing to the villain’s previous reaction to the accusation of having no friends. The reaction was merely that of the child trapped inside. This revelation guides Midoriya in his struggle as he looks for a way to save the child from his fate. But before he can hope to free the child, he must push the monster around a bit.

As the fight begins in earnest, we see new tricks come into play as Midoriya reveals how much he and One For All have grown since the last time the opponents met. Midoriya’s mind is as sharp as ever, and he uses the numerous powers at his disposal in clever combinations that soon put his opponent on the defensive. The visuals continue to rely on the raw power on display here. Even when Midoriya is in control, his power still overwhelms every blow he throws.

While the intensity of the battle is portrayed superbly, the visual effects underscore the decision to make the former wielders of One For All much more present in the fight. The heroes of the past, who frequently appear alongside Midoriya, help their protégé in a much more direct way than ever before. This makes Midoriya’s battle feel much grander than it already is, as it spans generations.

My Hero Academia Episode 151 offers everything a fan could wish for. Beautifully staged, gripping fights, touching emotions that make the fight personal, and new hope that the heroes can still prevail – all of this is brought to life brilliantly.

My Hero Academia Episode 151 is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

My Hero Academia, Episode 151 – “A Chain of Events Through Time”



My Hero Academia Episode 151 offers everything a fan could wish for.

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