Emma Coburn in a two-piece called “Get Faster. Get Stronger.”

Emma Coburn in a two-piece called “Get Faster. Get Stronger.”

Emma Coburn is on the track in her two-piece workout outfit. In a new social media post, the runner shows off her amazing body in a sports bra and shorts during a grueling workout. “I’m not missing out on August. Get stronger. Get faster. 🙌,” she captioned the Instagram video. How does she approach nutrition, fitness and self-care? Here’s everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.

Emma starts her day with caffeine. “I walk my dog, then have a cup of black coffee, a glass of Nuun Sport and eat a piece of toast with peanut butter and honey. I usually have a workout at 9am, so I have about an hour to relax and watch TV or be on the phone,” she said Eat well.

Next on the schedule are “drills and drills to practice,” she says. “Training starts at 9 a.m. most days. In a normal week, I have three ‘workouts,’ which are more intense sessions. Sometimes these workouts are on the track, sometimes they’re just long 15-mile runs with a faster finish. So every day is a little different. On non-training days, I run 8 to 12 miles. Sometimes an easy 8 miles in the morning, then an easy 4 miles in the evening. When we train, we meet to practice and then do our workout. The workout is usually 12 miles,” she says. “Then we go to our gym and lift weights for an hour.”

Emma Coburn in a two-piece called “Get Faster. Get Stronger.”Emma Coburn in a two-piece called “Get Faster. Get Stronger.”
Emma Coburn/Instagram

Next comes brunch. “I love breakfast foods, I could eat three meals a day of them. After training, I usually go for a big brunch or make something myself. French toast, two eggs and breakfast sausage are my favorite foods,” she says.

“I usually run twice a day, so between my brunch and my afternoon run I’ll just have a light snack – something like yogurt, fruit or a plate of veg and cold cuts,” Emma tells Eating Well. “After my run I make sure to eat more protein. I try to eat 100-120 grams a day, so protein is a key part of every meal. After the run I might have yogurt while I cook dinner. Then for dinner I might have pasta with bolognese sauce or a big salad with chicken, depending on how much training I’ve got that day and how hungry I am.”

Emma needs time to recover. “After brunch, I shower and take a nap. A few days a week, I have a massage or a chiropractor appointment. After that, I go for an easy 4-mile run. Then dinner, TV, and bed. On workout days, I run and eat. An easy day, a day where I just go for an 8-mile run, for example, provides more variety to what I do in my normal life. On those days, I might have Zoom meetings, a photo shoot, plans with friends, or catch up on work,” she says.

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