Democrats are trying to remove Socialist Party candidates from the ballots in key swing states

Democrats are trying to remove Socialist Party candidates from the ballots in key swing states

The Democratic Party is desperately trying to exclude the presidential candidate of a fringe socialist group from the national election in two crucial swing states.

On August 8, agents in Pennsylvania filed two lawsuits against the nomination papers of the virulently anti-Israel Socialism and Liberation Party candidates Claudia De La Cruz and their vice presidential candidate Karina Garcia.

The effort is being led by a political action committee called ClearChoice, which is funded by Democratic donors such as venture capitalist Ronald Conway and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. The group is also pursuing other troublesome third-party challengers in several states, including Robert F. Kennedy.

Claudia De la Cruz, presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, speaks at a town hall meeting at the ZAO MKE Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Getty Images
The presidential candidate of the Socialism and Liberation Party, Claudia De la Cruz, says she is in the sights of the Democrats. Getty Images

Insiders say even a small number of radical left voters deserting Harris’ coalition could have a devastating impact on the election results.

“In a 50/50 race between Harris and Trump, you don’t want anyone to take even 0.2% of those votes. You don’t want to take any chances,” said one Democrat who asked not to be identified so he could speak freely on the subject. “As a Democrat, you just can’t take any chances.”

A similar lawsuit against the party is underway in Georgia, but Democrats suffered a setback on Tuesday when Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said 43-year-old De La Cruz had collected enough ballots to appear on the Peach State’s presidential ballot.

“The Democratic Party is afraid of democracy. Millions of people are looking for alternatives to the two parties that only serve Wall Street and the war machine, but with these lawsuits the Democratic Party wants to take away that choice from them,” De la Cruz, the PSL’s presidential candidate, told the Post.

De La Cruz and her vice presidential candidate Karina Garcia have promised an end to aid to Israel and the virtual abolition of private property.
Team Harris does not want pesky third-party candidates stealing votes from her in close swing states. Saquan Stimpson – CNP/MEGA

The PSL has raised more than $235,000 and is promising voters a radically twisted vision for America that includes taking over the 100 largest American companies and turning them into public ownership, as well as cutting off all U.S. aid to Israel. The group does not disclose membership numbers, but claims to have an “organized presence in over 100 cities and towns” across the United States.

The party is not affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, the largest socialist organization in the United States, which has elected several representatives to Congress and has more than 77,000 supporters.

The PSL will be up for vote in California, Hawaii, Utah, Idaho and South Carolina, and access will be requested in more than a dozen other states, it said.

With post wires

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