Her husband didn’t make any effort at all when her family visited last spring, so now that her in-laws are coming, she refuses to be a good hostess, basically saying her husband is alone

Her husband didn’t make any effort at all when her family visited last spring, so now that her in-laws are coming, she refuses to be a good hostess, basically saying her husband is alone

The 33-year-old woman is married and currently lives with her 36-year-old husband far away from their families in another country, so they can only visit their relatives once a year.

However, they had recently bought their own home and decided that with their new space it was time for their families to visit them instead.

Her family was the first to make the trip and stayed at their home last spring. But to her disappointment, her husband was not very present during her visit.

For example, she got up every morning at dawn to cook breakfast for everyone, while her husband slept until noon every day.

“And I took time off work to go into town with them and do tourist stuff; my husband went to work late every day and didn’t get home until around midnight,” she recalls.

To be clear, her husband would not have had to work those hours either. In fact, he has extremely flexible working hours and could have chosen which days and times he wanted to work.

“But he decided he would be better off spending his time at the office than with my family,” she said.

That was months ago now, and in just a week her husband’s family will be viewing their new house. But given the way her husband treated their own family this spring, she’s not inclined to stand up for her in-laws.

“I told my husband that he could expect the same effort and respect that he put into visiting my family: zero,” she revealed.

Iona – stock.adobe.com – for illustration purposes only, not the actual person

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