New Permits Remove District Restrictions, Autorickshaws, Auto State Permit, Car Permit, All Kerala Permits, Auto Driver, Auto, State Permit

New Permits Remove District Restrictions, Autorickshaws, Auto State Permit, Car Permit, All Kerala Permits, Auto Driver, Auto, State Permit

The state government has extended permits for autorickshaws and now allows them to operate across the state instead of being restricted to the respective districts only. This decision was taken during a recent transport department meeting and is in response to a request made by the Auto Union Kannur Madayi Area Committee of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU).

Previously, autorickshaws were only allowed to travel 20 kilometers outside their district. This restriction was introduced due to safety concerns related to long-distance travel. Despite persistent warnings about a possible increase in accident rates, the state government has opted to issue permits that are valid for the entire state.

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The licensing system is currently being updated to the ‘Autorickshaw in the State’ model. To avail the new nationwide licensing privileges, autorickshaws will have to register for a state permit. This updated permit will also include an instruction requiring drivers to ensure the safety of passengers. Autorickshaws are currently restricted to a maximum speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

The CITU has consistently pushed for an extension of permits, although safety concerns had previously delayed this change. The previous reluctance to grant state permits was due to concerns about accidents on high-speed tracks where other vehicles travel faster. The recent meeting addressed these concerns and resulted in the approval of nationwide operating permits for autorickshaws.

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