Weekend Paddles | Hummingbird Pointer Flower | USS Hornet: CA in Photos

Weekend Paddles | Hummingbird Pointer Flower | USS Hornet: CA in Photos

TOURING CALIFORNIA — From the beaches to the deserts and mountains, from the lakes and forests to the small towns and big cities, there is so much to see in California! And we thought, why not share the photos we receive and see elsewhere with you?

Thanks to some Patch readers who have been busy with their cameras lately, we’re able to share these images captured across the state. Click the links below to see this week’s “California in Photos” for glimpses of daily life and scenery along the Northern California and Southern California coasts.

It’s your state, it’s your chance!


Photographers, it’s your turn. Whether you’re an amateur, a professional, an Instagrammer, or just someone who always has their phone or camera ready to grab that perfect shot, we love to see and share your work. If you have a great photo of nature, a stunning landscape, children being photographed as kids, a pet doing something funny, or anything unusual that randomly comes to mind, we’d love to feature it here on Patch.

We’re looking for high-resolution images that reflect the beauty of California and showcase your unique talents. Share your best photos with Patch and your work could be featured in your community as well as in this weekly California In Pictures collection. Email your submissions to [email protected] or your local Patch editor. Be sure to include your name and the following information: date, time and location of the photo, and the reason it was taken.

Did you miss our latest edition of “California in Pictures”? It’s worth taking another look:

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