Man who sexually abused young girl must go to prison

Man who sexually abused young girl must go to prison

PA Media The exterior of the Laganside Courts buildingPA Media

A man who sexually abused his partner’s three-year-old granddaughter has been sentenced to nine years in prison.

To protect the identity of the victim, the 76-year-old cannot be named.

Judge Richard Greene KC told him that after his release from prison he would serve four years in prison and five years on probation.

Belfast Crown Court heard that the defendant sexually abused the child at least three times.

The defendant continued to deny the abuse, which occurred between February 1 and August 28, 2022.

“Particularly at risk”

During the time of abuse, the young girl spent time at her grandmother’s house.

In August 2022, the child told his mother that the defendant had touched him in the bathroom of his grandmother’s house.

She also said that the defendant committed the same act in the bathroom of her own home.

The man denied any wrongdoing and the case went to court.

The victim, who was five years old at the time, had to give evidence. Judge Greene said this had “traumatized her again.”

The jury found the man guilty earlier this year on three counts of sexual abuse of a child.

Judge Greene spoke of the long-term impact the abuse would have on the young girl, saying the child was “particularly vulnerable due to her tender age.”

The judge also said the child’s parents were “further victims” because they had left their daughter “in the company of a man whom they had no reason to distrust.”

He acknowledged the parents’ reaction to their child’s revelations.

“The child could not have asked for more loving and supportive parents. It will give them no comfort if I tell them that paedophile offenders exploit good people like them to gain access to the innocents they abuse,” Judge Green said.


The defendant attended the hearing on Friday via video link with HMP Maghaberry.

His mental and physical health was poor and had worsened in prison, the court was told.

Judge Greene said he took the defendant’s health problems into account.

However, he said the man committed the “very serious crimes” when he was “well over 70”.

In the reasons for the verdict, the pensioner was told that his “sexually deviant behavior” had been “grossly abusive.”

He will be placed on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely and banned from working with children and vulnerable adults indefinitely.

“Disgraceful crimes”

After the verdict, PSNI detective Lesley Cameron said the case was “incredibly disturbing”.

“It is right that this man must now face the consequences of his heinous crimes,” the official added.

“My thoughts are with the victim and his family today. They have shown tremendous courage in reporting these crimes and cooperating with police throughout the investigation.”

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