In Leduc, a worker died after falling from a fourth-floor balcony, the province said

In Leduc, a worker died after falling from a fourth-floor balcony, the province said

Archerwill man fined $2,800 after being hit by truck at construction site in 2016

A man who died at a construction site in Leduc earlier this week fell from a fourth-floor balcony of an apartment building that was undergoing renovations, the Alberta Labour party reports.

Alberta’s Ministry of Occupational Safety and Health officials have issued two stop-work orders against Homefront Property Maintenance Ltd., spokesman Trent Bancarz said in an emailed statement to CBC News on Wednesday.

“The employer must stop all work above three meters until he can prove that employees are protected when working at heights above three meters,” said Bancarz.

“The employer must stop all work using aerial work platforms until he can prove that the employees are using suitable fall protection when operating the aerial work platforms.

“The orders remain in effect until they are followed.”

OHS returned the property to the property management company responsible for the building on Tuesday afternoon, Bancarz said.

The 45-year-old worker died on Monday at around 2:30 p.m. No other people were injured.

The OHS is continuing its investigation.

Also on Monday, a 37-year-old man died after being hit by a car on a company premises on rural property about 20 kilometres south of Grande Prairie.

The employer in this case was subject to federal regulation and the investigation was handled by the federal Office of Occupational Health and Safety, Bancarz said.

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