Cloquet-Carlton girls soccer team raises the bar and continues a success story

Cloquet-Carlton girls soccer team raises the bar and continues a success story

Cloquet girls soccer team raises the bar to continue a success story

The Cloquet-Carlton girls soccer team just finished its first week of practice for the 2024 season on Friday, but it’s already setting the bar high. The Lumberjacks’ goal is to fight their way back into the state tournament and win their sixth consecutive sectional title.

“Every year is very independent and unique. It’s hard not to let the season ahead affect you this year. I feel like we’ve only finished two and we’re very strong. So we’re very much thinking forward right now instead of looking back. I think they’ve all had a taste of it, we’ve had some good experiences, but it just puts the expectations on us very high,” said head coach Dustin Randall.

While much of their team returns to the field, veteran players like Rylee Senich and Natalia Hernandez are now working to continue the legacy they have seen grow over the past five seasons.

“We approach each game step by step. We will work hard and hope that everyone stays healthy. That will help us a lot,” said Senich.

“I’m really excited to play with everyone because we’ve built a great bond with this team and I feel like everyone is just our family,” Hernandez added. “I think that’s going to help us because we know each other really well. We just know our plays and what we’re going to do on the field.”

The Lumberjacks will enter their new home stadium on Friday, August 25th at 1 p.m. to play against Saint Francis High School.

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