9-year-old Rocky Mount girl squeezes lemons for charity

9-year-old Rocky Mount girl squeezes lemons for charity

ROCKY MOUNT, Va. (WDBJ) – At just 9 years old, Hadley Scott of Rocky Mount is helping her community tremendously.

It is a dream of hers that became reality 5 years ago.

“We were walking with my mom and brother and I told my mom that I wanted to open a lemonade stand, but I didn’t want to keep the money for myself,” Hadley explained.

One day in the summer, Hadley’s lemonade stand is open.

“It has become a really big impact on the community and a blessing to everyone around her,” said Lauren Scott, Hadley’s mother.

Over the past five years, she has raised over $5,000. She has donated the money to warming shelters, children in need, and even a local NICU.

“Every year she wants to beat her previous number,” Lauren said.

Hadley raised $600 her first year, $2,000 this year, and split the money between God’s Pit Crew, a local food bank and a friend in need.

“Our church, Rocky Mount Baptist Church, has really stepped up. Our members are all focused on their lemonade stand, asking, ‘When is Hadley’s lemonade stand?’ People in the community are asking, ‘When is their lemonade stand?'” Lauren said.

This year’s stand is over and details for next year have not been finalized, but the stand will likely be on a Saturday in July 2025.

“It definitely makes me a very proud mother. My husband and I are very, very proud of her, and it actually rubs off on her brother and her friends,” Lauren said.

“It makes me feel like a good person,” Hadley said.

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