April Jeppson: The last weeks of summer are upon us – Albert Lea Tribune

April Jeppson: The last weeks of summer are upon us – Albert Lea Tribune

April Jeppson: The last weeks of summer are upon us

Published on Friday, August 16, 2024, 20:45

Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

On the way to work this morning, I told my son that school would be starting soon. He didn’t even turn his head to look me in the eye. Instead, he stared blankly into the distance and whispered softly “shhh…

April Jeppson: The last weeks of summer are upon us – Albert Lea Tribune

April Jeffson

I understand, Hans. I deny it too.

It’s mid-August and we can still enjoy 80 degree days. I promised my youngest that we’re going camping this summer, so I need to figure out when we’re going to do that. One of my kids needs to go shopping for school supplies and I’m not sure if we’re still getting the outfits together for the first day of school or not… oh dear, I better start making a list.

As much as I love hot apple cider and the leaves changing color in the fall, I’m going to hold on to the last bits of summer. I hope to set up the sprinkler system, enjoy some ice cream, and head out on the lake at least one more time. Which reminds me, I haven’t been fishing at all this year. OK, I’ll add that to the list too.

Earlier, my neighbor and I were talking about how BLT season is coming up. He asked if I had one yet and I told him I didn’t, but I look forward to this time of year because these sandwiches are my favorite. There’s just something special about the fresh tomato mayo sauce that runs down your arm when you bite into the lightly toasted bread. Yummy! Later, he stopped by my work and brought me some fresh tomatoes from his garden to enjoy. (I hope everyone has neighbors as great as I do. Here’s to you, Jim!)

The breeze feels a little cooler at night now. Not enough to give up my summer hopes, but I feel things are changing. I’m aware that the clock is ticking, and I have to make conscious decisions about how I spend the next few weeks.

I had the same feeling when I was getting my kids ready for school. I have two kids in high school and my youngest is finishing up her last year of elementary school. That’s it. If there are elementary school experiences I want to do again, it’s now or never. I’m also very aware that anything with her will be the last time.

This reminds me that I need to add Kleenex to my list too.

Albert Lean April Jeppson is a wife, mother, coach and dream promoter. Her column appears every Saturday.

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