Here are 10 scientifically proven reasons why tall people are better off. And we want to know if you agree

Here are 10 scientifically proven reasons why tall people are better off. And we want to know if you agree

This goes out to everyone who has ever been asked the question “What’s the weather like up there?” at some point in their life.

It’s not easy to stand out from the crowd and attract unwanted attention when you walk into a room. In fact, it can sometimes be downright uncomfortable.

But in reality, tall people really are a head above the rest – literally and figuratively. Having a few extra inches than average has significant health and life benefits, and it’s high time (sorry) tall people celebrated that.

Below are some good reasons why you should accept your size.

1. Tall people may be more intelligent.

A study by the University of Edinburgh has shown that taller people can be more intelligent. The researchers examined more than 6,000 independent subjects and discovered a small connection between height and higher IQ. You are a genius.

2. Your risk of diabetes is lower.

There’s a reason to be excited about vertical stature: A collective analysis of studies published in the journal Obesity Reviews showed that women with taller stature were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Other research also suggests that both tall men and women have a lower risk of the disease.

3. You could be more successful.

Person in red jacket and black pants posing in front of a cloudy skyPerson in red jacket and black pants posing in front of a cloudy sky

Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

Forget about commanding a room—you could be calling the shots in the boardroom. Studies show that CEOs are taller on average. What’s more, according to Bloomberg, about half of Fortune 500 male CEOs are at least three inches taller than other men who hold less prominent positions.

4. Tall people may earn more.

You can take this to heart. According to The Atlantic, research shows that even an extra inch of height can earn you around $800 more in salary per year. Another analysis published in the Journal of Human Capital found that being in the 75th percentile height is associated with a 9% to 15% increase in salary.

5. The risk of developing dementia may be lower.

Another study from the University of Edinburgh found that shorter people have a higher risk of dying from dementia than taller people. The link between height and dementia risk was also stronger in men than in women.

It is important to note that short stature is not necessarily an indicator of dementia. It may simply be because short stature is associated with greater risk factors for the disease, such as genetic predisposition.

6. You have a lower risk of certain heart diseases.

Three cheers for a healthy heart. While your height may increase your risk of some heart problems, such as atrial fibrillation (also known as an irregular heartbeat), it may also protect you from other worrisome problems. Research shows that taller people are less prone to heart failure and coronary artery disease.

Two children dancing together at a party with a disco ball above their heads and balloons on the floorTwo children dancing together at a party with a disco ball above their heads and balloons on the floor

Justin Pumfrey / Getty Images

7. Tall people are happier.

Here’s something to smile about: According to a study, tall people report more positive emotions than shorter people. People with taller stature also reported fewer feelings like anger and sadness. And the good news is that happiness is a contagious emotion, so you spread that joy to other people. Bravo.

8. You could be more productive.

Your height may be an indicator of what you’re crossing off your to-do list. An article published in the National Bureau of Economic Research found that taller people tend to be more productive at work after a seven-year study. The researchers based their assessment on the hourly wage of each of the subjects over the course of the study.

9. They are considered more self-confident.

There’s no excuse not to boast about yourself, because the world sees you as a powerhouse anyway. Research shows that taller people appear more confident and have better social skills during adolescence because they’re more likely to participate in activities like sports and school clubs.

10. The weather is really great up here.

Ultimately, being tall is great. You can reach things on high shelves. You have a clear view at crowded concerts. You’re better equipped to play basketball if that’s your thing. You dominate the room you’re in.

So the next time someone asks you, “How’s the weather up there?” tell them it’s damn sunny.This article originally appeared on ^ “HuffPost: The Return of Poor Americans”.

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