The Dragon Ball anime only really started with episode 19

The Dragon Ball anime only really started with episode 19

Dragon Ball has had one or two special episodes at this point, but “The Tournament Begins” really feels like the beginning of Dragon Ball as we know it. When a melancholy morning bell rings, Dragon Ball Episode 19 lets this poignant moment flow freely so that the audience understands that this is the beginning of something important. “The Tournament Begins” even delays the recap of the previous episode until after the introductory title image so as not to undermine this opulent opening moment.

“The Tournament Begins” is the beginning of a very important moment in Dragon Ball Story. Episode 19 rises to the occasion and makes the start of the World Martial Arts Tournament feel like a real event. It’s worth pointing out that “The Tournament Begins” is just a prelude to something bigger, and the real action is reserved for Episode 20. Dragon Ball Episode 19 is a satisfying conclusion to Goku’s training and the perfect connective tissue for its payoff.


Dragon Ball Episode 18 Retro Review: “The Turtle Hermit Way” Asks You to Trust the Process

Goku and Krillin are confronted with the full extent of Roshi’s strange training etiquette in a playful episode that reinforces true strength and confidence.

Goku’s training reaches a fulfilling end

Dragon Ball enters a new era


Retro review of Dragon Ball Episode 17: “Milk Delivery” is a hilarious twist on the classic training arc

Goku and Krillin’s training intensifies as humble tasks prove to be the ultimate motivator in a silly episode that mixes parody with pain.

While “The Turtle Hermit Way” immersed Goku and Krillin in tough and unconventional training, “The Tournament Begin” skips ahead several months in the blink of an eye so that these two budding martial artists can finally put their skills to the test. Goku and Krillin have made tremendous progress, but the one major hurdle that continues to irk them is a giant boulder they must move. Goku moves it, of course, but Krillin does so too, bringing him up to Goku’s level. These two have naturally transitioned from rivals to friends, which is the right move for their dynamic before they are thrust into competition and can no longer rely on each other.

Dragon Ball has made audiences question the true extent of Roshi’s talents over the last few episodes. In “The Tournament Begins,” he is forever the proud teacher, but it’s important that he reinforces the idea that Goku and Krillin are ultimately the masters of their own destinies. He has given them the backbone for greatness, but stresses that there is no set Turtle School fighting style that he will force upon them. They must continue to develop their own techniques and areas of expertise.

This growth for Dragon BallThe main characters are promising. It is equally exciting Dragon Ball Episode where Launch has more to do than just sneeze and cause chaos. Launch doesn’t transform once in “The Tournament Begins,” which is definitely progress. Unfortunately, Master Roshi’s obnoxious behavior is amplified in this episode, but there is at least a satisfying resolution at his expense in all three cases. Dragon Ball Roshi increasingly portrays himself as a joke, rather than the inappropriateness of his actions serving as comedy.

A sweet reunion puts Dragon Ball on the road to success

The players gather at the world tournament


Retro review of Dragon Ball Episode 16: “Find the Stone!” starts the unconventional training of Goku and Krillin

Goku and Krillin’s training under Master Roshi finally begins, but his unconventional lessons get off to a rocky start – literally!

Goku, Krillin and Master Roshi do not make it to the World Martial Arts Tournament until the second half of the episode. Fortunately, Papaya Island is a busy, crowded place that feels almost futuristic in its presentation – if only because all previous Dragon Ball episode has taken on a rustic, wilderness aesthetic. There is some great world-building here as Dragon Ball shows a new corner of his world and takes his characters, especially Goku, out of their comfort zone. Goku has always had a strange dynamic like a fish out of water, but “The Tournament Begins” really capitalizes on its unworldly ignorance. The snazzy launch fashion suits for Goku and Krillin are also absolutely adorable, and it’s a shame these looks are no longer available.

One brief moment that’s easy to miss here is Goku’s genuine confusion at the city lights he spots beneath their plane as they fly to Papaya Island. Goku believes these lights and signs of civilization are actually stars lying on the ground. It’s a beautiful, simple scene that reflects his naivety and what a sheltered life he’s led. It’s a moment that could’ve easily been skipped, but it’s a powerful embodiment of his innocence. There’s still so much in life that he has yet to experience and doesn’t know, despite his raw power. It effectively sets up the culture shock to come, and shows just how special this experience is for Goku.

“The Tournament Begins” is more of a set-up than an actual tournament start. There’s still a lot to love here on a character level, especially when it comes to the cathartic reunion between Goku and all of his old friends. Dragon BallThe hard turn to Krillin and Launch makes the return of the series’ original cast all the more satisfying. In fact, it’s a shame that Launch is left behind, because there could have been some excellent interplay between her and Yamcha while Bulma is left to fester in the middle. Launch deserves something deeper than being stuck in a love triangle, but any opportunity to let him stumble around silly is worth it.

Up to this point, Yamcha is secretly the MVP of the episode. His wilderness training is one of the best materials in The Tournament Begins and makes him seem really intimidating. Thanks to his absence for several episodes, there is an air of mystery surrounding his character. In a vacuum, Yamcha could easily be interpreted as stronger than Goku or Krillin, since Dragon Ball has only hinted that he is training for the World Tournament. It doesn’t hurt that it is explicitly mentioned that the World Tournament was a lifelong dream of Yamcha’s and that he took part in this competition under the most difficult circumstances.

Dragon Ball takes its time before the tournament begins

Episode 19 is the calm before the storm


Retro review of Dragon Ball Episode 15: “Look Out For Launch” has fun with Jekyll/Hyde escapades

Goku and Krillin’s training under Master Roshi hits an exciting obstacle as Dragon Ball introduces the hot-headed Launch!

“The Tournament Begins” has a lot to offer, even if it’s just a taste of even bigger things to come. The episode ends on a rather anticlimactic note, with Master Roshi and his students resting at their hotel so they won’t be jetlagged for tomorrow’s festivities. Dragon Ball really wants to keep everyone’s strength a secret until it absolutely has to boil over. Fans will have to wait until the elimination round of the World Tournament to see anything. It is worth noting that “The Tournament Begins” presents some excellent original music by Shunsuke Kikuchiparticularly in the introduction of the World Tournament participants in the final act of the episode. It’s not surprising that so many original characters also mark the debut of new music. The score is particularly effective and another highlight of “The Tournament Begins.”

There’s a fairly innocuous moment in the final moments of “The Tournament Begins” that could hardly be confused thematically with the importance of this episode. Goku and Krillin receive their Turtle School battle suits, which become the signature outfit for the rest of Goku. Dragon Ball. This token of gratitude from Master Roshi should not have been such a controversial moment when “The Tournament Begins” first aired. In retrospect, it is fitting that Goku’s search for the skin in which he feels most comfortable coincides with the moment in which Dragon Ball finds its rhythm. “The tournament begins” is an extremely important Dragon Ball Episode that brings the different players back together and takes advantage of how they have all grown. The World Martial Arts Tournament – ​​and Dragon Ball itself – officially begins with the end of the episode. Ring the bell.

The cast of Dragon Ball stands behind a young Son Goku

Dragon Ball Episode 19, “The Tournament Begins”

Son Goku, a fighter with a monkey tail, goes with a collection of strange characters in search of the Dragon Balls, a set of crystals that can give their wearer everything he desires.


  • A change of scenery can make a big difference.
  • The sweet reunion between Goku and his old friends.
  • Dragon Ball raises the stakes.

  • As a result, there is actually no match.
  • The start remains behind.

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