KATSEYE names 10 girl group albums everyone should own

KATSEYE names 10 girl group albums everyone should own

Crate Digging is a feature series by Consequence which delves deep into music history and produces several albums that all music fans should know. In this edition, the members of the up-and-coming band KATSEYE talk about the girl groups that have shaped their musical identity.

The young women who make up KATSEYE are on a mission. In a time of abundance for international pop groups, their story is quite unique – KATSEYE was formed as part of a program called The debut: Dream Academywhich narrowed the pool of 20 hopeful women from around the world down to the final line-up of just six contestants.

But the milestone of their official debut as a team is not a goal for Sophia, Manon, Daniela, Lara, Megan and Yoonchae, who come from the Philippines, Switzerland, the USA and South Korea. Rather, it is just their starting point, just like their quirky first single album entitled Touch. They have already released a new EP, SIS (Soft is strong)available from today.

“There were so many special days and moments for all of us,” says the band Consequencereflecting on their musical journey so far. “One of our favorite memories is recording ‘Touch’. All six of us went into the booth together and celebrated! We wanted to put a laugh track on the song, so we had a blast, jumping around, laughing and just having a good time.”

Next week, fans who have already fallen in love with their music – or their journey on The debut: Dream Academy — can watch a Netflix documentary entitled “ Pop Star Academy: KATSEYEwhich starts on August 21st.

“We have become more of a family than ever,” the girls reveal. “Everyone has been in touch throughout the entire training and development process. The debut: Dream Academybut now that there are only six of us instead of 20, we have spent a lot more time together as a group. We have been able to delve deeper into our personalities, habits and interests and thus strengthen our bond as KATSEYE in a very special way.”

Today, on the occasion of the release of SIS (Soft is strong)KATSEYE discuss the girl group albums from years past that have shaped both their individual and collective journey. Stream the new EP below and read on to hear their picks.

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