Police violently evict pro-Palestinian activists from UTAM building

Police violently evict pro-Palestinian activists from UTAM building

By Santiago Moran-Izquierdo

On Thursday, August 8, students from Occupy U of T, the Palestinian Youth Movement, Jews Say No To Genocide and others staged a sit-in in the lobby of the University of Toronto’s Asset Management Corporation office at 777 Bay Street. The students were protesting the reinvestment of their tuition fees in weapons manufacturers that sell their weapons to the Israeli military.

Students occupy UTAM

The students entered the building and staged a sit-in without blocking any exits or elevator access.

“Our goal was to use chants to draw attention to UTAM’s role in perpetuating these injustices,” says Sara Rasikh, a doctoral student at the University of Toronto and representative of Occupy U of T. The students’ core demands remain the same as those of the People’s Circle for Palestine: disclosure, divestment and severance of ties.

According to witnesses, several office workers showed their solidarity with the students and even joined in the chants. When the building managers threatened the students with a trespassing charge, several office workers sent emails supporting their right to protest.

Toronto police intervene

After police were called, the Toronto Police Service (TPS) entered the building and verbally informed students that they had been issued a warning for trespassing. They then pushed students toward the door, pushing many of them to the ground in the process. Protesting women reported being sexually harassed during the eviction process, while others were trampled or hit their heads on the ground after being pushed. Students reported not having a chance to safely exit the building.

After the students were evicted from the building, the police formed a line and prevented both students and office workers from entering. Outside, they pushed the students further away and threatened them with arrest.

“The police response was extremely violent and forceful, and no trespassing notice was issued or documented,” Rasikh says. “This aggressive intervention has highlighted the urgent need for continued activism and accountability.”

UTAM Finance

UTAM is the investment manager of the University of Toronto. According to a 2023 annual report, the university currently works with companies such as Lockheed Martin. On their website, Current Investing Managers, they show Blackstone, Arrowstreet Capital, Marshall Wace and Two Sigma. A coalition of University of Toronto students released a report linking many of these asset managers to companies profiting from the genocide in Gaza and West Bank settlements, such as Lockheed Martin, Elbit Systems and Boeing.

More than 300 days after the start of the genocide in Gaza, students are determined to stop these investments. Rasikh explains that “the action (on Thursday) was necessary because UTAM remains complicit in promoting genocide through its investments. Pressure for disclosure and divestment from these weapons manufacturers is critical.” Occupy U of T stresses the urgency of these actions, as well as the importance of action on and off campus.

It is clear why the University of Toronto is so reluctant to give in to student demands. Occupy U of T reports that at least $4.35 billion is invested in these companies. On UTAM’s website, which details its investment history, a quote from University of Toronto President Meric S. Gertler states:

“We are fortunate to be supported by a team of investment professionals who have been entrusted with the careful management of the university’s assets. As an institution that strives to change the world for the better, we need a solid financial foundation – and UTAM is one of its cornerstones.”

Photos by @praxis_archives on Instagram.

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