Electric car thief who left man dying in Stroud jailed

Electric car thief who left man dying in Stroud jailed

Photo of Kimberley Ann Hawkins in Gloucestershire Police custody. She is wearing no makeup and has brown hair. Her facial expression is blank.Gloucestershire Police

Kimberley Ann Hawkins stole Neil Shadwick’s mobility scooter and dragged him across the ground until he let go

A woman who stole a disabled man’s mobility scooter, dragged him across the ground and left him to die has been sentenced to prison.

Kimberley Ann Hawkins, 41, pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Neil Shadwick, 63, in Gloucestershire following the incident in January 2023.

Victoria Bentley, Mr Shadwick’s eldest daughter, said her “incredibly vulnerable” father must have been “terrified” of being left to die in a supermarket car park in sub-zero temperatures.

Hawkins, of no fixed address, was sentenced to six-and-a-half years in prison at Gloucester Crown Court.

Mr Shadwick was found unconscious in a Tesco car park on Stratford Road in Stroud on January 22, after the Met Office predicted temperatures of as low as -6°C overnight.

Video footage showed Hawkins and Mr Shadwick, who suffers from severe Parkinson’s disease, arriving at the supermarket at around 02:30 GMT to use the cash machine.

Supplied portrait photo of Neil Shadwick. He wears a grey shirt and glasses.Delivered

Neil Shadwick’s eldest daughter and sister have fond memories of him from their respective youth

When Mr Shadwick was apparently unable to withdraw money for Hawkins, she became “frustrated” and took away his mobility scooter while he was still partially seated on it.

She dragged him along the road for less than a minute before he finally let go. Then she rode off, leaving him lying on the ground.

He was found by supermarket staff arriving at work at around 05:45 GMT.

Mr Shadwick suffered from severe hypothermia, pneumonia and lung injuries. In the ambulance, all he could say was “robbed” and “Kim”.

He later died in hospital.

CCTV cameras in the car park captured Hawkins and Mr Shadwick arriving at the supermarket.

His daughter, Ms Bentley, said in a statement it was “appalling” to identify her father “in such horrific circumstances”.

“Kimberley Hawkins knew that when she left her father in that car park on a freezing cold night, she was leaving behind an incredibly vulnerable man who had no way of communicating as he could barely speak,” Ms Bentley said.

“He had no telephone and no way to get help.

“He must have been terribly frightened when he realized he had been abandoned and did not know if and when help would come.”

The court heard the couple had gone to the cash machine after Hawkins had provided Mr Shadwick with “sexual services”.

Mr Shadwick’s younger sister, who lost both brothers within three months, said he “did not deserve to be treated and abandoned in this way”.

Tania Rickards said her brother had health problems “from a young age” and eventually had to give up his career as a truck driver in 2003 after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in his early 30s.

Gloucestershire Police released footage of Hawkins’ arrest

Mr Shadwick’s brother Kevin was diagnosed with terminal cancer in August 2022 and was given six months to live in November of that year.

“After Christmas 2022, we had said we would get through January and then try to get Neil Transport to come over and meet with Kevin, but we never got the chance,” Ms Rickards said.

“It would have been the last time we were all together, but Kimberley Hawkins took that opportunity away from us.”

“Selfish and malicious”

Prosecutor Mary Cowe told the court that Mr Shadwick was “extremely vulnerable” and lived in a residential care home, relying on the services of carers who visited him four times a day.

Describing the incident that led to his death, Miss Cowe said: “It was selfish and malicious, but not premeditated.

“She (Hawkins) told a friend that she had performed sexual favors for Mr. Shadwick and he could not pay.”

Hawkins was sentenced to six years in prison for the manslaughter of Mr Shadwick.

An additional six months were added for related offenses such as grand theft auto and assault, as well as other charges such as theft, drug possession and violation of previously imposed probation.


Det Insp Adam Stacey, who led the investigation, said: “Hawkins’ actions were callous and had fatal consequences for a man she knew to be extremely vulnerable.

“The footage from this early morning is heartbreaking. Neil Shadwick was left on the street in sub-zero temperatures without his mobility scooter and was therefore unable to seek shelter or help.

“The family feel betrayed that they did not have the chance to say goodbye to Neil as he was taken from them in such a cruel way.”

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