“‘You have long hair, right?’ Right. ‘And you’re over 6′?’ I say, ‘I’m 5’7, but I’m going to get surgery'”: Marty Friedman recalls not being able to join Kiss because of his height

“‘You have long hair, right?’ Right. ‘And you’re over 6′?’ I say, ‘I’m 5’7, but I’m going to get surgery'”: Marty Friedman recalls not being able to join Kiss because of his height

Marty Friedman recently revealed that he was turned down from an audition for KISS because he was “too short.” At 5’7″, the former Megadeth guitarist did not meet the band’s physical and height requirements.

In a recent interview with Sam Ash (via NME), Friedman was asked which KISS song he would have liked to play guitar on. He replied, “I would have wanted to be on every KISS song. I’ll tell you a quick story about that. When they changed guitarists a long time ago, I got a call from the KISS guys.

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