Recount court confirms John McGuire’s victory but reduces the amount Rep. Bob Good must pay

Recount court confirms John McGuire’s victory but reduces the amount Rep. Bob Good must pay

State Senator John McGuire (R-Goochland) is still the winner of the Republican primary in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District after a close recount.

On Wednesday in Goochland Circuit Court, a three-judge panel conducting the recount worked with registrars from Cumberland, Amherst, Halifax and Mecklenberg counties, as well as Danville, to correct small transcription errors that resulted in an additional four votes in favor of the incumbent, U.S. Rep. Bob Good. The winner’s lead increased from 370 votes to 366. The additional votes do not change the election result.

The court also considered a motion filed by Good in which he claimed that several counties in Virginia’s 5th District had improperly billed him for certain costs for the recount he requested. The court respected some of Good’s objections and reduced his bill.

The court considered several cost items listed in Good’s objection to the costs of the recount, ranging from office supplies to fees for payments to lawmakers and other officials who worked in connection with the recount.

Good was initially billed $104,000 for the costs of the July recount, but that was reduced to $88,918 after the court upheld some of Good’s objections.

One item that was eliminated was the cost of the services of the district attorney for Lunenburg County. Goochland Chief Judge Claude Worrell said the cost would not be incurred because the district attorney was carrying out his regular duties.

“I appreciate the judges’ efforts to correct some errors identified after the recount,” Good said in a statement from his campaign team.

Good said Wednesday he would pay for the recount within 21 days. McGuire led the primary by 0.6 percent, putting incumbent Good within the 1 percent limit allowed for a recount at his campaign’s expense. Municipalities must pay for the recount if the lead is 0.5 percent or less.

In the fall election, McGuire will face Democrat Gloria Witt.

The recount ends Good’s current bid for a third term.

5th Congressional District. Courtesy of the Supreme Court of Virginia.
5th Congressional District. Courtesy of the Supreme Court of Virginia.

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