“I sold my soul to ‘Dance Moms’”: The show’s enigmatic creator speaks

“I sold my soul to ‘Dance Moms’”: The show’s enigmatic creator speaks

I haven’t been involved in any of those projects. I refrain from speaking to the media. I’ve done a few podcasts, but only with the OGs. So that’s pretty much it.

In your opinion, what place does the programme have in the discussion about whether children should be shown on television at all?

Children have always been on television, whether it’s scripted or reality. I follow the rules to the letter. Reality TV has very strict laws against child labor and the children can only be on camera for a certain amount of time. They have to be supervised. There’s a teacher’s representative. So I think I’ve been squeaky clean in that regard. I really have the best interests of the children on the show in mind.

But again, the moms and dance teachers are there for a reason. Ultimately, they are the ones who made this decision and need to protect their children. I think at this point every single child at Studio Bleu had an absolutely fantastic experience and can’t wait to do it again.

What do you think is most misunderstood about Dancing mothers?

(a long moment of silence) I’m not sure I have a good answer to that.


Because I don’t talk about it much. They ask me these questions, I don’t really – because I’ve been hiding a little bit. I don’t know. Can I think about it?

Is it difficult to reflect on your work when you release about 31 episodes a year?

Yes, absolutely. I have over 300 hours Dancing mothers programming. So, to be honest, if I need to remember something that happened, I would call JoJo because she knows the show inside and out. She knows more about the show than I do. (Breaks) But I don’t know. I don’t know, Savannah.

What was it like for you to talk about the show this way for the first time?

I’m so passionate about it and I really love talking about it. I don’t know why I really haven’t talked to someone like you about it. I don’t have any kids and these OGs are my kids. I just feel blessed and grateful – it’s the only thing I ever want to do. The only thing I really care about is talented kids. People have asked me to do other TV shows and other projects, but I’m not interested.

It was a pleasure asking you about the show.

Okay, wait. Can we be honest for a minute? Tell me honestly what you think.

It was incredible reality TV. I was amazed at how much they could get away with. The body bags, for example, are a very intense subject, but there is also something perversely funny about these children fighting to outdance each other so that they don’t get the zipper zipped up first – or end up with their heads under the tray in the number that was The menu. Watching is complicated and that’s why I wanted to talk to you about it.

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