Further evidence that JD Vance is too extreme to lead

Further evidence that JD Vance is too extreme to lead

Further evidence that JD Vance is too extreme to lead

In response to new reporting about a top advisor to JD Vance who previously worked for a group with close ties to right-wing extremist groups, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd issued the following statement:

“Just like Donald Trump, JD Vance and his team will not stop surrounding themselves with ‘far-right’ extremists who want to set America back by stripping women of their basic rights and attacking access to everything from contraception to divorce. It’s no wonder Vance is the most unpopular vice presidential candidate in modern American history, with an inner circle of far-right creeps and an extreme Project 2025 agenda to match.”

NEW: A top adviser to JD Vance previously worked for a group with close ties to right-wing extremist groups.

The Guardian: “Revealed: Top Vance advisor worked for far-right consulting firm with extremist ties”

“A senior adviser to Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate, JD Vance, once worked for a far-right political consulting firm that touts its ‘covert operations’ capabilities and has ties to a network of extremist groups and think tanks.the Guardian can reveal.

“Parker Magid was recently appointed Vance’s press secretary, and his career links Vance and his circle to elements of the extremist right far outside the mainstream of American politics.

“Vance’s staff connects him to Beck & Stone (B&S) and its subsidiary, the political consulting firm Knight Takes Rook (KTR). The brand consulting firm, which has a business address in New York, is close to Vance’s allies, including the far-right Claremont Institute, serial Arizona candidate Blake Masters, and the ‘counter-revolutionary’ magazine IM–1776…

“Beck, co-founder of Beck & Stone, is closely associated with the Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR), a secretive, invitation-only, male-only fraternity that has been extensively covered in the Guardian. Beth Daviess, a researcher at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey who has published research on the SACR, said the policies advocated by the group were ‘much more extreme than mainstream conservatism.’ She explained that there were two elements to this extremism: ‘their views on gender and the role women should play in society’ and ‘their views on whether government should be democratic at all.'”

“This connection is just one of many connections between Vance and the so-called ‘new right.’ an anti-democratic movement that attacks feminism, racial equality and immigrants, while centering the grievances of white men.”

Beth Daviess: “The SACR’s admission criteria emphasize the importance of ‘Christian sexual ethics’ and ‘natural law’ but do not provide specifics. Yenor’s writings, however, provide some insight: In a blog post titled ‘A Royal Road for Protestant Sexual Ethics,’ Yenor writes: condemns the availability of birth control and divorce as potentially weakening for the bond between a married couple.”

Vance has close ties to other extremists, including the architects of Project 2025, Steven Bannon and Tucker Carlson.

New Republic: “Vance has close ties to the Heritage Foundation and in particular to Kevin Roberts, who has been president of the right-wing think tank and architect of Project 2025 since 2021. Vance has praised Roberts for helping to make the organization ‘the de facto institutional home of Trumpism’ and has supported elements of Project 2025.” Vance is also the author of the foreword to Roberts’ next book.”

Axios: “JD Vance has written the foreword to the upcoming book by the architect of Project 2025”

New Republic: “Head of Project 2025 is overjoyed about Trump’s election as vice president”

Nick Corasaniti, New York Times: “(Roberts) reacted to the news (of Vance’s election as vice president) ‘with a big smile on his face,’ saying: ‘We were secretly really rooting for him.'”

Vox: “Kevin Roberts, the president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation and the driving force behind Project 2025, told Ward that ‘(Vance) will certainly be one of the leaders – if not the leader – of our movement.'”

Politico: “Vance’s inner circle already bears the hallmarks of Trump’s influence, with a handful of advisers and staffers with one foot in Vance’s camp and the other in Trump’s world…

“The head of the organization behind the now infamous Project 2025, (Kevin) Roberts, is a longtime ally of Vance in Washington, whom he has called ‘one of the leaders — if not the leader — of our movement.’ The two men have appeared together at public events and co-authored foreign policy opinion pieces, and Vance even wrote the foreword to Roberts’ upcoming book…

“(Russell Vought, architect of Project 2025) told POLITICO Magazine that he is in ‘regular contact’ with Vance’s office on the Hill and that ‘we probably have one of the closest relationships with (Vance’s) office that we have with any other office on the Hill.’ …

“The former Fox News superstar (Tucker Carlson) used his prime-time show to promote Vance’s 2022 Senate candidacy and remains one of his most ardent public supporters to this day. Vance is a regular guest on Carlson’s new platform … and Carlson reportedly personally convinced Trump to select Vance as his vice presidential candidate in the days leading up to the Republican National Convention …

“The former Trump strategist (Steve Bannon) is another important ally of Vance in the conservative media ecospherewhere he frequently features Vance on his show “War Room” and promotes him to his large social media following.”

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