Episode 672: Ed Stetzer – Pastoring in a Partisan Age: Part 3. How to lead in an age of outrage, why 2024 will be more divided than 2020, and what happens when your political victory is more important than your moral views

Episode 672: Ed Stetzer – Pastoring in a Partisan Age: Part 3. How to lead in an age of outrage, why 2024 will be more divided than 2020, and what happens when your political victory is more important than your moral views

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The office is supposed to be stimulating, right? So why does it always feel like this…

  • There are only a few bad weeks (or days) left until burnout.
  • No one is as passionate as you.
  • Your ministry is scattered and the people are not on the same page.
  • Your church is not having the impact you feel — and know — You are called to do something.

Sure, maybe you went to seminary, but did that (or anything else) really prepare you for life as a pastor? For most, the answer to that question is no.

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With unlimited access to a growing library of Comprehensive courses, Live coaching callsand a private community where you can ask any leadership questions you haveYou’ll discover new strategies, learn practical life skills, and get immediate feedback from people who have guided you through the exact same challenges and opportunities as you.

You can continue to learn from your own mistakes or accelerate your development and learn directly from people who have already been in the same situation as you.

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