Salmon prices at record lows – but the worst may be over

Salmon prices at record lows – but the worst may be over

According to the latest data, prices for fresh salmon in Norway fell to their lowest level of the year last week.

According to Statistics Norway, which monitors prices weekly, they have fallen to NOK 76.82 per kilo, the lowest in almost 12 months, when they reached a low of NOK 75.15 per kilo.

The figures were calculated before severe storms hit the Nordland region earlier this week, significantly disrupting salmon transport from that part of the country for two days.

The weather may cause prices to rise this week, but this is likely to be only a temporary situation.

On Tuesday, Helge Kvalvik, CEO of fish farming company Måsøval, said salmon prices had been a rollercoaster ride in recent weeks – and he was not wrong.

Since Easter, when the price was around NOK 120 per kilo, the general trend has been downward.

However, the general opinion in Norway is that the low prices of recent weeks are unlikely to continue and are likely to start rising again from next month when the peak holiday season ends.

Last week’s figures show that the price of fresh salmon fell by NOK 4.07 per kilo, or around 5%, compared to the previous week.

Thanks to the price drop, export figures remain quite strong, reaching 24,242 tonnes in week 33, an increase of 13.5% from week 32, when the figure was 21,367 tonnes.

Although frozen salmon accounts for only a small part of exports, its price also fell last week – by just over five crowns to 81.81 per kilo.

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