Euronews OCEAN Season 6, Episode 8 – Heatwaves in the sea

Euronews OCEAN Season 6, Episode 8 – Heatwaves in the sea

Heatwaves are not only hitting land, but our oceans too. As sea temperatures break new records, deadly marine heatwaves are threatening ecosystems, fisheries, aquaculture and tourism in European waters. In this episode of Ocean, we dive into the Eastern Mediterranean with Cypriot researchers from the EU-funded PUREEF-Y and EFFECTIVE projects to experience the impacts of marine heatwaves first-hand – and explore potential solutions. We also visit Mercator Ocean International, a partner in the European Space Agency’s CAREHeat project, where satellite and in-situ data are used to model and predict marine heatwaves on a global scale.

OCEAN is a Euronews magazine in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE). It features 8-minute videos every month in which we discover fascinating projects and developments related to the ocean and coastal communities.

OCEAN has been broadcasting since 2019 and features episodes on marine protected areas, small-scale fisheries, ocean energy, aquaculture, IUU fishing, sustainable fishing and much more. Missed one? Check them out on the Euronews website! You will also find some nice extras on these topics.

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