Dallas man arrested after road rage incident that left 2-year-old girl injured

Dallas man arrested after road rage incident that left 2-year-old girl injured

Imagine this: you take your child to school by bus like any other day, but then suddenly there is an unexpected interruption.

This was the reality for families in the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District over the past two days, when two school bus routes were briefly halted because migrants tried to board.

According to district officials, the incidents occurred on two separate occasions along the district’s school bus routes A and B. The first incident occurred Tuesday afternoon when a group of three seemingly desperate men ran down the middle of Highway 94 and attempted to flag down a Route A bus. The driver had to make a quick decision and maneuver the bus around the group to avoid a confrontation.

Then, as if by a strange déjà vu, the next morning I saw another group – about 20 people – at the bus stop for line B.

The district sent a message to the families:

Today I informed families who travel by school bus about two recent incidents involving our school buses on Highway 94. Both incidents involved individuals attempting to stop or board the bus at a bus stop.

First, I want to thank our bus drivers who kept our students safe and the parents who helped make sure no one got on the bus. We were in contact with the Border Patrol, Sheriff’s Office and CHP throughout the day. Additionally, several news organizations and Representative Darrel Issa’s office reached out.

We will continue to work with law enforcement on this matter. We have implemented additional protocols and notified the parents of bus drivers. This afternoon, our transportation director followed the buses to ensure everyone got home safely. I am grateful to our community for keeping their eyes open and being part of the solution

As the students were being picked up, concerned parents stepped in to ensure that only their children boarded. Fortunately, no one was injured and the quick intervention of the bus drivers and parents kept the situation under control.

It is still unclear whether there were any connections between these two groups or whether these were isolated cases in which individuals were simply trying to find a way across the border.

At this time, families are understandably on high alert, but district officials and parents are working together to ensure that children’s safety remains the top priority.

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