A year later, I finally understand Anakin’s final lesson for Ahsoka

A year later, I finally understand Anakin’s final lesson for Ahsoka

Anakin Skywalker’s return in Ahsoka Season 1 included a final lesson for his former Padawan, but I’ll be honest, I didn’t fully understand or appreciate it until now. As a long-time fan of Star Wars: The Clone Wars And Star Wars RebelsAnakin and Ahsoka to be seen together in a live-action film star Wars The project was incredible, especially the first time I saw it. However, once the initial excitement wore off and I thought about the episode, I was a little confused about what Anakin was trying to accomplish in the world between worlds.

While I understood what Anakin was saying, the execution felt a bit messy, leaving the meaning open to interpretation. His words didn’t quite match his actions, and considering how much Anakin and Ahsoka could have discussed, I couldn’t help but see all the missed opportunities. However, ironically, when I wrote another article about how odd Anakin’s behavior was, I began to understand the importance of his lesson. It may have taken longer than it should have, but now that I understand it, I enjoy the story more.

Anakin’s lesson to Ahsoka made no sense the first time I saw it

It seemed as if he only wanted to make her stronger

Anakin’s lesson to Ahsoka was simple: “Live or die.” Most of the time they spent in the world between worlds, they took this literally, with Anakin attacks Ahsoka and urges her not to lose againlike she did with Baylan Skoll. At the end of the episode, Ahsoka decided to do what Anakin wanted, and he was glad she realized that. On the surface, though, this lesson didn’t make sense to me.

For one, has this been Ahsoka’s problem throughout the series? Not really, since she’s been defending herself to stay alive since the first episode, and she had no problem killing when necessary. Perhaps Anakin felt she wasn’t strong enough, but as a Force ghost, why would he still embody his dark traits and push her to give in to the dark side? It seems like his time would be better spent on a lesson that would teach Ahsoka not to be like him, rather than encouraging her to do so.

Anakin might think that she is not enjoying her life to the fullest and is too prepared for deathbut his method of making her realize that was odd. And even if that was the point, is Anakin really the best person to listen to in this regard? He had emotional attachments and tried to teach Ahsoka to break the rules like he did, and eventually became a Dark Lord of the Sith. However, as I watched these scenes over and over again, it clicked that Anakin was doing this on purpose, but not for the reason it seemed.

I finally understand what Anakin was trying to do

She did not have to fear becoming like her master

While Anakin’s stated goal and his methods seemed to be at odds in the world between worlds, I began to understand when I paid closer attention to how their duel ended. Ahsoka eventually gained the upper hand and prepared to “kill” Anakin with his own red blade while her eyes glowed yellow. If Anakin’s goal was to make Ahsoka strong enough to survive, then he succeeded. Of course, Anakin didn’t tell Ahsoka to survive, but to live.

Instead of killing him, she threw the gun away and said “I choose to live.” Ahsoka faced her attacker, defeated him, and was tempted to kill a man who deserved it, but she chose to spare him. I now understand that Anakin showed his worst qualities and pushed Ahsoka into a fight so that she would realize what he wanted to teach her…she didn’t have to hold back.

Anakin showed Ahsoka that she could still fight and win without becoming like her master because she is not Anakin.

As a student of the man who later became Darth Vader, Ahsoka feared that she might lead his or her own student to that dark fate, as he did. Therefore, she thought it would be best for Grogu not to be trained as a Jedi, and so she pushed Sabine away before the start of Ahsoka Season 1. Anakin showed Ahsoka that she could still fight and win without becoming like her master because she is not Anakin. Fighting for what is right and living life to the fullest star Wars doesn’t have to mean becoming like Anakin Skywalker, it can mean living like Ahsoka Tano.

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