HOA in Goodyear takes action against homeowners who provide free water to their neighbors

HOA in Goodyear takes action against homeowners who provide free water to their neighbors

PHOENIX (AZFamily)—David Martin makes one-of-a-kind sneakers in his garage, but what he does on his driveway is causing some controversy in his Goodyear neighborhood.

“I don’t feel like I’m doing anything wrong,” Martin said. “I think I’m doing what we’re supposed to do, which is taking care of the people around us.”

Four years ago, during the Covid crisis, Martin and his wife set up a stand with free water in front of their house as a gesture of goodwill and invited neighbors, children and delivery drivers to stop by daily and get a cool drink.

“I think it’s fantastic,” said neighbor Larry Marks.

“I thought there was no better way to help the community than with cold water,” Martin said.

The free water stand was so successful that the Martins continued to run it, stocking up on water and paying for most of it out of their own pockets.

Some neighbors have also agreed to help.

“Every year I probably get 30 to 40 water containers,” said Martin. “Sometimes there’s water on the doorstep and there are two containers. I don’t know who dropped them off. It’s just a surprise, it’s fun.”

But the gesture of goodwill seems to have encountered an obstacle.

In May, the Martins received a citation from FS Residential, the management company that oversees the Canyon Trails Homeowner’s Association. They were charged with storing items in plain sight and fined $50.

In June, July and August, fines for violations were increased to $100 per month.

“This is absolute nonsense, I don’t understand it,” Martin said. “I’m sorry. I don’t care that it’s blue and grey, and my house is tan and brown; it’s a cold water cooler for the community.”

Martin said his homeowners association contacted him a few years ago and he thought it was OK to leave the water standing.

He wants to know why his homeowners association is raising this issue again after all these years.

“I just don’t understand the fight they’re fighting and why they want to fight,” Martin said. “I’ve made it clear: I’m not resigning and I’m not putting the cooler away.”

Arizona’s family has contacted the HOA and management company and asked them to explain their position and say if there could be a solution, but they have not received a response.

Martin said he would not stop giving out free water even if fines continued to rise.

“I will continue to serve the community as best I can,” Martin said.

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