Cook County launches program to help people with water bill problems

Cook County launches program to help people with water bill problems

CHICAGO (CBS) – Cook County is launching a new program to help people with high water bills.

The Water Affordability Program will provide homeowners with $11.5 million to pay past-due bills and repair leaks. The program was funded through the American Rescue Plan Act and passed unanimously by the Cook County Board in May.

“Too many of our residents are faced with the heartbreaking decision of whether to pay for water or other essentials,” Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle said in a press release. “The Cook County Water Affordability Program is a direct response to this growing crisis, providing critical assistance and long-term solutions to ensure every family has access to clean, affordable water. By resolving past-due bills, fixing leaks and equipping communities with the resources they need, we are taking important steps to support our communities and protect one of our most important resources.”

To help reduce water bills, the program works with water utilities in communities with the highest percentage of income-based census tracts. Residents in these areas who are in arrears are automatically enrolled in the program.

The Cook County Leak Repair Program addresses leaks and wasteful fixtures that cause high water bills. Those who have had their water shut off can also receive assistance with more extensive plumbing repairs.

Plumbers who wish to participate in this program can respond to a call for proposals by September 30.

The county is also working with Chicago-based nonprofit Elevate to develop affordability plans for communities.

Ten spots are available for communities that want to develop water affordability plans. The program includes an in-depth analysis of water billing data to determine how a community can address water affordability issues.

Following the analysis, municipalities could apply for up to $300,000 to implement some recommendations, the county said.

Applications for municipal assistance will be open from Wednesday. Information on applying for fee reductions and repairing leaks will be available later in the fall.

Consultants interested in conducting the analyses for municipalities should submit a proposal by September 30.

In May, the city of Chicago adopted a plan by Mayor Brandon Johnson to help homeowners and businesses whose water bills have skyrocketed due to underground leaks. This plan created a two-year Water Leak Assistance pilot program that will allow eligible homeowners and businesses to pay their bills and get their money back if they can prove they received higher water bills due to leaks in underground utility lines.

CBS News Chicago Investigations have reported on the crisis of high and incorrect water bills issued to Chicago residents for years.

Cook County

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