Did RayGun really score zero points at the Olympics after the breakdancers claimed she didn’t score any?

Did RayGun really score zero points at the Olympics after the breakdancers claimed she didn’t score any?

RayGun broke her silence after making waves at the recent Olympics and spoke about the controversy surrounding her breakdancing performance in Paris.

The breakdancer spoke after a petition The criticism of her garnered more than 50,000 signatures.

RayGun was accused of “manipulating the selection process for their own benefit.” The allegations against Ray gun and her husband on the Internet in connection with their selection process for the Olympic Games were exposed after the publication of the petition.

However, one of the points she addressed in a new video statement on Instagram was about the scoring system – after it was widely reported that RayGun, real name Rachael Gunn, received zero points in three rounds.

“A little fun fact for you: There are actually no points in breaking. If you want to see how I did compared to my opponents, you can check out the judges’ percentages for the five criteria on Olympics.com. All the results are there.”

Did RayGun actually score points during the games?

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First, we need to take a closer look at how the (admittedly quite complicated) scoring system in this sport works.

The unique judging system allows the judges to evaluate the participants in the dance competitions according to six criteria: creativity, personality, technique, variety, performance and musicality.

At the Olympics, there were nine judges, all of whom cast their votes using a slider system. The breaker with the most points was the winner.

Technically, for RayGun to receive zero points, all judges would have had to set the sliders to zero when evaluating their performance.

A scorecard from one of RayGun’s heats at the GamesOlympics.com

Their combined scores were added to give a total and the winner was determined by percentage.

So technically, RayGun probably didn’t score zero points. However, we can’t be sure because the scores don’t show individual categories where Raygun might or might not have won.

The fact remains, however, that all nine judges gave their opponents, and not RayGun, the majority of their votes in every single aspect of the decision, with RayGun failing to receive the overall percentage of the judges’ votes in any category across three rounds.

No matter how you look at it, the results of all three dance competitions are not particularly pleasing for RayGun.

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In the video message, RayGun also said: “First of all, I want to thank all the people who have supported me. I really appreciate the positivity and I’m glad I was able to bring some joy into your lives. That’s what I hoped.”

“I didn’t realize that it would open the door to so much hate, which was, frankly, pretty devastating.

“I went out there and had fun. I took it very seriously. I worked my ass off preparing for the Olympics and really gave it my all. I’m honoured to have been part of the Australian Olympic team and to have been part of Breaking’s Olympic debut. What the other athletes achieved was just phenomenal.

“Regarding the allegations and misinformation circulating, I would advise everyone to read AOC’s recent statement as well as the posts on the AUS Breaking Instagram page and the WDSF Breaking for Gold page.

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