Homeowners have two weeks to move out because Somerset Park’s water system is deemed a “threat to the life, health and safety of residents.”

Homeowners have two weeks to move out because Somerset Park’s water system is deemed a “threat to the life, health and safety of residents.”

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – About 85 Henderson families are in a difficult situation in the Somerset Park Townhome development due to major water problems. The City of Henderson says it is not safe to live there unless urgent repairs are made.

The community’s new homeowners association told the city it didn’t have the money to make the repairs. Now people are trying to figure out if they’ll be forced to move out.

Residents received a letter from the city of Henderson on Monday saying the municipal water system is no longer in violation of city code. The city says it must be repaired by the HOA in order for residents to stay.

“The letter says we have until September 10 to evacuate,” says Kendra Day, a mother of six who lives in the community.

“It was extremely, extremely frustrating. I couldn’t even work. I was trying to get answers, trying to get help. I don’t know where I and my children are going to go,” Day told FOX5.

Burst pipes can be seen throughout the Somerset Park Townhome development, leading to flooded streets. One area was so flooded that a sinkhole opened up and a car became stuck in it, according to residents.

“When that happened, the city stepped in and blocked it off so we can’t park in our driveways,” said Irene Montano, owner of a townhouse in Somerset Park.

The city carried out emergency repairs and discovered a number of serious problems: damage to the roads, parking lots and possibly the buildings themselves. They now say:

“The water distribution system … poses an immediate threat to the health, safety and welfare of the public.
As a result, the City of Henderson may need to discontinue water service to the community of Somerset Park.”

The homeowners say they pay over $300 a month in HOA fees. Their question: Where is all the money they’ve paid over the years?

“This has been pretty much a safe haven up until now, so I just don’t know what to do now,” said Montano, a grandmother with a special-needs toddler at home who works two jobs to pay her mortgage.

Married couple Sarah D’Amato and Rick Martinez say that buying a home two months ago in the difficult real estate market was an American dream that has now turned into an unexpected nightmare.

“It’s absolutely heartbreaking because we spent so much money on the down payment… It’s very scary knowing that if something doesn’t happen, we’re going to lose our house and we still have to pay off the mortgage,” Martinez claimed.

FOX5 has reached out to the old HOA. Their phone is down and their website is down. Again, the new HOA told the city they don’t have enough money for repairs. FOX5 also contacted them Tuesday night to ask if they would offer any other help and has not yet received a response.

The City of Henderson is hosting information sessions for residents on Wednesday and Thursday, both from 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Henderson North Community Police Station.

The city has also provided information for the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada: [email protected] or (702) 545-2398

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