How two former UNC professors are fighting fast fashion –

How two former UNC professors are fighting fast fashion –

The Premirr plantwith his simple and scalable system to address the polyester crisis, found his home in Garner, NC. After Working with plastic packagingParrott and Air turned their attention to the fashion industrya common source of polyester waste in landfills.

“In the global PET or polyester world, packaging accounts for one third and textiles two thirds,” says Parrott. said. “So to really make a difference, you need to address this textile part of the pie.”

With their innovative system and a little luck, Parrott saidPremirr was able to quickly establish itself in this area, be named the Global Innovator 2022 for Fashion for Good, an Amsterdam-based non-profit organization for sustainable fashion. This ultimately led to Premirr fully purchased from Syre Impact ABA Based in Stockholm Pursue Working on decarbonising the textile industryIn April this year.

With the technology of the NC system from Parrott and Luft, Syre is a partner of the Swedish giant H&M, Volvo and IKEA, among other companiesTo reduce their carbon footprint and Make sure the products are made from recycled polyester.

“Ten percent of the CO2 currently emitted comes from the textile industry,” said Parrott. said“If we do something about it, I can look back on my career and say I did something. I can look back on my children and grandchildren and say I did something. I think that’s what motivates us, how can we reduce that carbon footprint.”

For Parrott and Luft, there is a lot that gives them energy. Between a new EU law which prohibits the throwing away of old clothes and thus forces them into the recycling cycle, and computers are now able to determine clothing Composition, air said that it was exciting to see all the Progress is happening.

“We are in good hands. It happens,” said Luft said“We definitely need patience, but there is innovation in this sector and I am confident that everything will fit together and be successful.”

Despite taking their talents overseas, neither Parrott nor Luft seem to have lost an ounce of pride or gratitude for UNC. Parrott said – but they wanted to shout it from the top of the highest mountain – that they miss working there every day, and Air called it a magnet for talented, authentic people.

Edward Samulski, Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Chemistry, came to UNC in 1988 to create the polymer program. He said He was very fascinated by Parrott and Luft’s research on polymer recycling when they were at UNC.

“They are both very enthusiastic and positive people, and that helps a lot,” Samulski said. said.

Parrot said There are exciting things on the agenda for Syre, such as a modernized facility and new patents.

But he is also looking forward to the future of the next generation. Their influence, he says saidis the one who will turn the ship of sustainability and politics.

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“Now it’s this next wave of young professionals and students who really need to carry the torch and figure out what sustainability looks like at UNC, what sustainability looks like in North Carolina, what sustainability looks like in the United States,” Parrott said.


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