Lake County resident is first person in Illinois to die of West Nile virus this year

Lake County resident is first person in Illinois to die of West Nile virus this year

mosquitoLake County resident is first person in Illinois to die of West Nile virus this year
File photo | Photo via Pixabay

Health officials announced Tuesday that a Lake County resident is the first person in Illinois to die from West Nile virus this year.

According to the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), the person was over 80 and lived in Lake County.

The person developed symptoms of West Nile virus in mid-August and died soon after.

The death marks the first Illinois resident in 2024 whose death was attributed to the West Nile virus.

“Sadly, Illinois is reporting its first death this year attributed to West Nile virus,” said IDPH Director Dr. Sameer Vohra.

“This death – and the six deaths in Illinois last year – are a stark reminder that West Nile virus poses a serious threat, especially to the elderly and those with weakened immune systems,” Vohra said.

“That’s why we should take all measures to combat mosquito bites while the warm weather continues and mosquitoes multiply. Protect yourself and your loved ones by reducing exposure, repelling insects with clothing and repellents, and reporting high-risk mosquito locations,” he added.

The IDPH also reported that nine non-fatal cases of West Nile virus have been confirmed so far this year.

The majority were reported from Cook County, with others from DuPage, Will, Winnebago and Tazewell counties.

The first West Nile virus-related death in Illinois in 2023 also had symptoms in August. In 2023, six deaths from West Nile virus were confirmed in the state and there were an additional 119 non-fatal cases.

The youngest person to report a case of West Nile virus in Illinois last year was 33 years old; the average age was 67.

The West Nile virus is transmitted through the bite of a Culex mosquito, commonly known as the common mosquito, which contracted the virus by feeding on an infected bird.

The most common symptoms of West Nile virus include fever, nausea, headache and muscle aches.

Symptoms can last from a few days to weeks. Four out of five people infected with West Nile virus show no symptoms.

“However, in rare cases, severe illness can occur, including brain infections such as meningitis or encephalitis and paralysis or even death. People over 50 and immunocompromised individuals are at higher risk for severe illness from West Nile virus,” the IDPH said.

There is no specific treatment for West Nile virus, nor is there a vaccine against it. “… it is critical that people minimize their risk of infection,” health officials said.

The IDPH said it encourages the public to fight the bite and take steps to prevent West Nile virus by following the three R’s – reduce, prevent and report.

Residents are advised to fit their doors and windows with tightly fitting fly screens and to avoid standing water in which mosquitoes can breed.

People should also wear shoes and socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirts while outdoors, while also applying an EPA-approved insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, lemon eucalyptus oil or IR 3535.

Residents should report areas where water stagnates for more than a week and may cause mosquitoes to grow. The local health department or city government may be able to add a larvicide to the water to kill any mosquito larvae.

Last year, 67 counties in Illinois reported positive West Nile virus cases in mosquitoes, birds, humans and horses.

So far this year, there have been 2,113 positive mosquito tests, 29 positive birds and one positive horse in 57 Illinois counties.

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