Hostage had to starve in isolation and had to watch her fellow prisoner die

Hostage had to starve in isolation and had to watch her fellow prisoner die

Rescue of Farhan Alkadi from Gaza

(Video: IDF Spokesperson Unit)

According to a former mayor of Rahat, Alkadi revealed that one of his fellow prisoners died next to him during captivity. A friend of Alkadi called Hamas the “devil” in response to the terror group’s treatment of the hostages.

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    רגעי המפגש המרגש של פרחאן קאדי שחולץ היום משבי חמאס בעזה, עם בני מש. פחתו בבית החולים סורוקה    רגעי המפגש המרגש של פרחאן קאדי שחולץ היום משבי חמאס בעזה, עם בני מש. פחתו בבית החולים סורוקה

Farhan Alkadi in hospital

(Photo: GPO)

Family friend Mazen Ibn Siam said: “Farhan spent his 52nd birthday in captivity. He was taken alive despite rumours of his death. After 326 days, we are overjoyed to have him back with us.”

“I was given permission to visit him inside and spent two to three minutes with him. He is fine, healthy and looking good – just a little paler and thinner than he was on October 7. I hope he will be released to his family tomorrow.”

“He said he had been in the tunnel for a long time, isolated from the outside world, without access to Israeli news or knowing what was happening around him. I hope that all families with their loved ones trapped in Gaza will experience what we felt today. I received the news around 2 p.m. and a relative confirmed it. It is a great joy and hundreds of people have gathered here.”

Alkadi, who spent most of his time in the tunnel in the dark, said little about his ordeal, noting only that he spent long periods alone with his captors. Former Rahat mayor Ata Abu Medigam, who visited Alkadi in hospital, described the harsh conditions he endured, including nearly eight months without sunlight. “He checked to see if his eyes were still working,” Abu Medigam said, adding that Alkadi spoke of another hostage who died next to him two months later.

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פרחאן קאדי החטוף שחולץ משבי החמאס וקרובי משפחתו בביה"The sellerפרחאן קאדי החטוף שחולץ משבי החמאס וקרובי משפחתו בביה"The seller

When they met Alkadi at the Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva, where he was taken after his rescue, his relatives told him that he had lost a significant amount of weight and was living mainly on bread and did not eat every day.

“He is on his feet and speaking clearly,” they said. “He was constantly thinking about his family and never lost faith that he would make it. We don’t know how he survived, but he did, and that’s what matters.”

Farhan told his relatives: “When the soldiers arrived at the tunnel, the Hamas terrorists fled. The soldiers called out to me. I was afraid that the tunnel was rigged with explosives, so I walked very slowly.”

Alkadi’s cousin Faiz Sana was shocked by the weight loss he experienced during his imprisonment: “He has changed and lost at least 20 kilograms.”

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    תיעוד מחילוץ החטוף פרחאן קאדי מבטן המסוק ומצלמות גוף הלוחמים    תיעוד מחילוץ החטוף פרחאן קאדי מבטן המסוק ומצלמות גוף הלוחמים

Alkadi extracted from Gaza

(Photo: IDF Spokesperson Unit)

“We are happy about this news,” said Alkadi’s brother Hatem. “It is better than being reborn. We hope to see him in good health.”

Hatem described the emotional reunion, saying: “We are moved to tears. He asked about the children and we told him that they are all fine. After 11 months, he is thinner, but he is alive. We hope that this joy will also benefit the families of all the hostages.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Alkadi on his release and assured him that the entire nation of Israel was touched by his freedom. He reiterated his determination to bring all the hostages home.

He replied: “I am happy too; I have been waiting for this moment. I swear to you, Abu Yair, my two children are here. I thank you for your work that has allowed me to see my family and be here. You have done truly holy work, holy work. There are others waiting.” Alkadi invited him to visit and Netanyahu replied: “I want you to hug your family, and I want you to know that all of Israel hugs you, and we will bring the others home too.”

President Isaac Herzog also welcomed the news and described Alkadi’s return as a moment of joy for the entire nation.

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תיעוד פרחאן קאדי מגיע לבהי"ח סורוקה לאחר שחולץ מרצועת עזה על ידי לוחמי צה״לתיעוד פרחאן קאדי מגיע לבהי"ח סורוקה לאחר שחולץ מרצועת עזה על ידי לוחמי צה״ל

Alkadi and a Savior

(Photo: IDF Spokesperson Unit)

Farhan thanked the president and said: “I am grateful to the State of Israel and the army for coming. People are suffering there. Do everything possible to bring them home. Work around the clock, do not sleep, to ensure their return. The suffering is unimaginable. Suddenly I heard someone speaking Hebrew outside the door – I couldn’t believe it, I just couldn’t believe it.”

The New York Times reported that a team led by Shayetet 13 searching Hamas tunnels for terrorists unexpectedly found Alkadi alone and unguarded in a 20-meter-deep tunnel. No fighting took place during the rescue operation.

At first, the soldiers feared that Alkadi might be a Hamas member, but they soon realized that he was an Israeli hostage. The soldiers reported that Alkadi appeared weak and malnourished and was unable to climb out of the tunnel on his own.

Israeli forces and Shin Bet were deployed in the sector where Alkadi was found. Their main focus was on the underground network where hostages, terrorists and explosives were believed to be hidden. Although there was no precise information about the presence of a hostage, the soldiers proceeded with caution, aware of the potential risks.

Alkadi had been left alone in the tunnel for only a few hours before the soldiers discovered him. The operation had been slow and deliberate, due to fears that explosives might be hidden. Alkadi was held mostly alone by his captors until they abandoned him, although he had previously been held with other hostages in the tunnel complex.

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