The homeowners association voted against a rude neighbor’s plan to add a second floor to her house. But now she’s furious because she has three children living in one room and needs more space » TwistedSifter

The homeowners association voted against a rude neighbor’s plan to add a second floor to her house. But now she’s furious because she has three children living in one room and needs more space » TwistedSifter

The homeowners association voted against a rude neighbor’s plan to add a second floor to her house. But now she’s furious because she has three children living in one room and needs more space » TwistedSifterThe homeowners association voted against a rude neighbor’s plan to add a second floor to her house. But now she’s furious because she has three children living in one room and needs more space » TwistedSifter

Living in a close-knit community can be great, but it can also mean that big changes can completely disrupt your life.

So what do you do when a new neighbor proposes a major renovation that could impact the entire community?

In the following story, a homeowner voted against the proposal, but the aftermath brings plenty of drama.

That’s how they handled it.

Here are some opinions from outsiders!

We have a great little HOA with 8 homes, mostly owned by the owners (and 2 owned by people who rent the homes).

It’s not a typical HOA. It’s inexpensive ($50 per house per month, but that includes trash and snow removal).

We have a community garden. We are all friendly and some of us meet up from time to time.

Overall, it is simply a happy living situation for everyone.

It’s nothing like a typical homeowners association. We don’t give a damn what you do with your house or yard.

Well… usually until our new neighbor moves in.

Last year, a single mother with three kids and three dogs (important) purchased the two-bedroom, two-bath home next door to my husband and I. She was thrilled to be part of the HOA, and we welcomed her.

Fast forward to a few months ago: At a meeting (we do two or three a year, we’re very casual), she tells everyone that she’s going to add another floor to her house.

This is where the problems begin.

We all have a bad feeling about this… First of all, our driveways are not designed for more than two or three cars and all the houses have two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

The thought of loud bangs, construction vehicles… and everything that comes with a project of this magnitude sounds horrifying to everyone else who lives here!

I suggest that we all think about this and hold a meeting shortly to vote on whether we should allow this or not.

Maybe it’s understandable that she started being really rude to us, telling my husband and I that we had to take down our Halloween decorations the day after Halloween (we had two carved pumpkins…) and making a fuss about our greenhouse?? Weird stuff like that.

We have lived in this house for 10 years and everyone in our homeowners association has lived together very harmoniously so far.

Bad news for the single mother.

Today we voted on her plans to extend her house and the verdict of every member except her was a clear, decisive NO.

She started crying and yelling at us because her three children live in one room and there is no room for her three dogs.

While I feel sorry for her in this regard, I feel like it would probably cost just as much to simply move to a bigger house rather than adding a floor to her current house and disrupting everyone else’s living situation!

Is this possible?

Oops! This is an awkward situation.

Let’s see what Reddit readers had to say about it.

This person is right – the whole thing sounds like a nightmare.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Here are some great points!

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

So true; she should have bought a bigger house from the beginning.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

According to this person, the mother sounds demanding.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

She didn’t think about it very well.

For most people it would be a clear “NO”.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws free accommodation in exchange for babysitting. However, things changed when they didn’t keep their end of the bargain.

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