NCDMF says yes to 4-day flounder season in shared waters

NCDMF says yes to 4-day flounder season in shared waters


The 2024 North Carolina flounder season applies only to inland and community waters

Many North Carolina anglers have been a little confused about the 4-day flounder season in common and inland waters set by the NCWRC for 2024, but they should have some clarity after NCDMF Director Kathy Rawls issued a proclamation establishing a recreational catch limit of one fish per person per day with a minimum size of 15 inches for flounder caught by line and rod in common fishing waters on September 1, 2, 7 and 8. This is consistent with the regulations and dates set by the NCWRC.

NCDMF regulates what happens in coastal waters and, under certain circumstances, sometimes in community waters. NCWRC is responsible for what happens in inland waters and, in most cases, community waters as well. However, some anglers expressed confusion and wondered if NCDMF officials might decide to flex their muscles in community waters, since NCDMF announced earlier this year that the state would not hold a recreational flounder season in 2024. However, NCWRC announced a recreational flounder season for 2024 in inland and community waters.

The proclamation applies only to shared waters, so coastal waters will remain closed to recreational flounder fishing in 2024, including during the four-day inland and shared waters season.

If you are fishing for flounder during this four-day season divided into two periods, click here to view a map showing what is considered inshore waters (prohibited), common waters and inland waters.

Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat intelligence technician and holds a BA in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. He can be reached at [email protected].

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