Can Power Girl’s blossoming relationship survive a first date in Power Girl #12?

Can Power Girl’s blossoming relationship survive a first date in Power Girl #12?

Can Power Girl’s relationship survive a first date in Power Girl No. 12?

Chuma Hill Card Stock Variant Covers:

Stephen Segovia Card Stock Variant Cover:

Jason Geyer & Alex Saviuk DC Super Powers Card Stock Variant Cover:

Power Girl #12

Axel’s betrayal!

After a disastrous first date, Power Girl’s admirer’s true colors are revealed. Can a high-flying fresh start make things right between the two?

Or will Axel be abandoned faster than Streaky’s litter box?

Creative team

  • Writer: Leah Williams
  • Artist: Travis Moore
  • Ink pen: Julio Ferreira
  • Colorist: Sebastian Cheng
  • Secretary: Becca Carey
  • Cover artist: Yanick Paquette & Arif Prianto
  • Variant cover artist: Stephen Segovia; Terry and Rachel Dodson; Chuma Hill
  • Editor: Brittany Holzherr
  • Editorial Assistant: Julia G.
  • Format: Current series
  • Book price/number of pages: $3.99/32 pages

Can a power girl’s blossoming relationship survive a first date? Power Girl #12 on shelves and digital platforms on August 28, 2024 from DC Comics

Can Power Girl’s blossoming relationship survive a first date in Power Girl #12?

Author: Chad Burdette

Chad lives in upstate New York and has been a lifelong comic book reader and collector. Because of this, Chad owns many issues, many of which are boxed, wrapped and sorted.

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