Far East presents investment potential at the EEF roadshow in China

Far East presents investment potential at the EEF roadshow in China

The Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) 2024 held a field session in China, highlighting the investment potential of the Russian Far East and exploring opportunities for cooperation with Chinese provinces.

The meeting, titled “Prospects for interregional cooperation between the Russian Far East and the provinces of Guangdong and Heilongjiang” brought together representatives of Russian and Chinese business circles and authorities in Guangzhou. TV BRICS International Media Network was the media partner of the event.

“Trade and economic relations between the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District and the border provinces of China are developing intensively and there is a growth in investments,” said Yuri Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President to the Far Eastern Federal District.

Trutnev stressed the significant role of Chinese investments in the Far East. “Currently, 51 investment projects with a total value of $8.99 billion are being implemented with Chinese capital in the territories of advanced development (TAD) and the Vladivostok Free Port (FPV),” he said.

He stressed that Chinese companies were contributing important technologies and expertise to various programs underway in the region.

The session included presentations from nearly 100 companies from sectors such as high-tech manufacturing, petrochemicals, shipbuilding, logistics, tourism and agriculture.

Vitaly Eksuzyan, Director of the Russian Ministry of State Support and Technological Development in the Far East and the Arctic, presented a series of Projects with Chinese capital.

The roadshow also included presentations outlining the special conditions for investors in the Far Eastern Federal District, with a focus on tax incentives, customs regimes and administrative procedures.

The main event of the EEF is planned take place from 3 to 6 September in Vladivostok. The forum, that is has been held annually since 2015 and serves as a platform to promote economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

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