Pollster admits the obvious: Democrats want to keep Kamala Harris away from the press

Pollster admits the obvious: Democrats want to keep Kamala Harris away from the press

The Democrats are now saying the quiet part out loud: They want Kamala Harris should continue to hide from the press.

In a Sunday interview with NBC, Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher rebuffed PBS’s Amna Nawaz’s requests for Harris to speak to reporters.

“Interviews confront candidates with rigour and skepticism and with questions about issues they don’t address on the campaign trail and in monologues,” Nawaz explained (rightly). “It opens up an opportunity for a conversation that is good for voters and good for democracy.”

But it is not good for DemocratsBelcher shot back: “As a campaign writer, no. She should be talking to voters and touring like they do… I don’t want her talking to all of you right now.”

Harris does not talk so much to voters, but at It is delivered to them via a teleprompter at rallies, protecting them from any risk of actual interaction that could prove embarrassing.

Belcher didn’t even have to explain why he didn’t want the Democratic candidate to submit to even mild media questioning: everyone knows she would fail.

Even a friendly reporter might be tempted to ask them about their changes in opinion on issues like fracking and health care – or for details on any their political ideas.

She could be caught lying, like when she told Lester Holt she had visited the border and he promptly confronted her.

Or take refuge in a word salad.

Or burst into a fit of giggles.

Democrats gain nothing by “confronting Harris with rigor, skepticism and substantive questions” and risk a clear defeat: Harris’s track record in her 2019 presidential bid (which did not make it into 2020) shows that the more voters learn about her, the less they like her.

The Democrats just want to make it clear to their voters that she is not Donald Trump, that she is younger than Joe Biden, and that she is fully committed to truth, justice, and the American way of life (plus abortion rights).

That personal appearances in the press are “good for democracy”… well, maybe after election day.

The fact is that Belcher was too honest for a “campaign writer” when he explained things so clearly.

And indeed, Away more honest than all the media personalities obstructing Harris’ post-COVID update of Joe Biden’s basement strategy for 2020.

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