Girl with a disability “disturbs” Venditti concert, artist insults her. Then she apologizes

Girl with a disability “disturbs” Venditti concert, artist insults her. Then she apologizes

Antonello Venditti He found himself in a hornet’s nest of controversy for insulting a disabled fan who violently interrupted him during his concert in Barletta last night. The artist was telling an anecdote from his life when he heard a person in the audience say incomprehensible words. He reacted by imitating her expression and inviting her to come on stage if she had the courage.

When it was pointed out to him that he was a “special” person, that is, someone with a disability, he said: “I understand that he is a special boy who needs education..

“There are no special children, education is one thing.” The moment was immortalized in a video that quickly went viral and sparked outrage on the Internet: the most common comment was “shame.” Many wrote that it was a girl who could not speak and made noises when she was happy, and called on the singer to apologize for her behavior.

Vendetti wasted no time in confessing his anger in a video posted on Facebook: “I’m about to start crying, I’m very sorry,” he said. “I’m not a monster, a stupid controversy arises that erupts on those who know me. I made a mistake, I made a mistake because I didn’t notice that girl in the dark. I thought these were political protests that I was used to, and that’s why I reacted very violently to that girl who had caught my eye.”

video Venditti apologizes to disabled woman who “harassed” him at a party

“I am honestly shocked – everyone knows how much I love special children and everyone who comes to my concerts can confirm that,” he added. The girl’s parents also thought about adding fuel to the fire: “We made it clear to Mr. Venditti, to ourselves and to our daughter that the problem does not exist. We immediately understood that it was a misunderstanding that had been blown up by social media,” they confirmed. “Mr. Venditti contacted us, apologized and was very kind and loving to us and our daughter. We all still admire him.”

In the apology video, Venditti stressed that he had said “very strong things” at his concert. So I’m reacting to something that you can’t perceive in the dark among five thousand people. I made amends immediately, last night, after the concert. The parents had my permission and everything.

Finally, he expressed the hope that this issue would not become a problem. Like Calabria, which I “have this stigma attached to”, He said this, referring to an episode many years ago in which he sharply criticized the region.

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