Stranded travelers have to sleep on the floor of the terminal in Havana for six days

Stranded travelers have to sleep on the floor of the terminal in Havana for six days

For up to six days, people slept on the floor of the “La Villanueva” waiting list terminal In Havanawithout any hope that the authorities will provide them with buses to reach their destinations. on facebook. Page “The Tijera” drew attention to the dire situation and shared several photos showing the overcrowded facility, including Children.

One of those affected, who has been in the terminal with his wife and a small child for almost a week, reported that they were unable to leave despite excessive ticket prices. According to the photographer, there are Mothers with children, older peopleand others who live in the interior of the country and had to travel to the capital for administrative procedures and medical appointments.

“Sick people sleep on the floor as if they were animals and the bathrooms are full of urine and feces. It’s hell,” he stressed. “The trucks that come to pick up passengers charge up to 8,000 pesos per person. This is abuse,” he added.

Gloomy conditions in the La Villanueva terminal in Havana

In light of the ongoing crisis at Havana’s La Villanueva Terminal, here are some frequently asked questions and answers to provide more context and information.

Why are travelers stuck at the “La Villanueva” terminal?

Travelers are stranded because authorities do not provide buses to take them to their destinations, and even those willing to pay exorbitant prices cannot get tickets.

What are the living conditions at the terminal?

The conditions are catastrophic: people sleep on the floor, the unhygienic bathrooms are full of urine and feces, and basic amenities are lacking.

Who is most affected by this situation?

Those most affected are mothers with children, the elderly and those who had to travel to Havana for medical appointments or administrative procedures.

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